Ch 1. The Hogwarts Express

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                               ~ S.B ~

"Come on cousin, hurry up! You are gonna miss the train!" My blonde hair cousin yelled out.

"Oh shut up! I'm coming okay!" I yelled out as I ran on to the train before him, since I'm a fast runner.

"Finally, now let's go and find our seats." He said while looking around.

"Oh nice try, I'm not sitting with you." I said while rowing my eyes.

"Oh why not Sabrina?" He asked me.

"Because you're annoying Draco." I said walking away from him. I don't see why that we're cousins, but then again his mom and himself are from my dad's side of the family.

Then I finally found a seat, and I walked into to see a girl around my age looking out the window. She has long black hair and forest green eyes. Well I don't mind sharing seat, I will kinda do anything to get away from my annoying cousin.

"Hey can I stay in here with you? I don't want to be around my cousin and he's really annoying. I'm Sabrina by the way." I asked and said. She looked at me and nodded her head.

"Yes go ahead, I'm okay with it. I'm Serena." She said kinda in a whisper but loud enough that I can heard her. Then someone else walked into where we are. There's was a girl around our age with kinda almost long, honey brown hair and jade green eyes.

"Hi can I stay in here, all the other seats are taken?" She asked.

"Yeah sure. I'm Sabrina and that's Serena. So, what's your name?"

"I'm Remington Lupin. So, is it your first year at Hogwarts? Cause it's my first year."

"Yeah basically it's my first year at the school too, even though we have to go the same school as my annoying cousin." I said. "So, Serena is it your first time at Hogwarts too?"

"Yes actually, but my father is actually an professor there. So, I don't get to see him really when he working during the school year." Serena answered.

"Oh what classes does he teaches?" I asked.

"Potions." Serena answered. "But he always wanted to teach Defense Against the Dark Arts class."

"Oh okay, maybe one day he'll get to teach that class." Remington said. Serena smile, then Remington and I smile too.

Then a girl came in the cabin asking about a toad that a boy lost. We said no. Then she said something about getting changed and we're about to get off soon then she left.

"So, we should get changed before we get off the train." Serena said. "My father said everyone that a student has too."

"Okay. Let's hurry up then." I said.

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