Reasoning And Pillow Fights

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I glanced around at my surroundings. I instantly felt confused. Yes it was Snowdin Forest, but... something didn't feel right...

No blood or dust, but...

I felt weird... like I should get out of here...

Before I could take a step, my leg was caught in a rope, and I was tied to a tree root. I struggled, trying to get away, but I couldn't.

Then, a version of Papyrus walked over. He wasn't... looking cruel or... anything like that... in fact, he seemed more sweet than usual... He wore a feathery scarf, and his battle body was a pink colour with purple accents.


I tilted my head in confusion. I've never met this Papyrus before... Or the Sans by the looks of this universe...

My mind was wanting me to run, seeing as this could all be a trap or trick. But...

No harm in trying, right?

After a bit of a walk, I heard laughter of monsters chatting and all seeming less willing to fight. Had Frisk already been down here and was staying here?

Regardless, I continued onwards. Following this version of Papyrus wasn't too bad. Then, I noticed something.

He was smirking a bit, as if waiting for another human to fall. I swallowed nervously, anticipating the feel of a collar around my neck...

But, we reached the house, and it seemed pretty normal.

Not like any edgy universe I've ever seen.

I instantly relaxed. I glanced up, "Sorry, I guess I forgot formal introduction. My name's Milly!"

"Well, I'm usually known as Papyrus, but since you can travel places, call me Tingles to make it easier!"

Immediately, my head began to click the pieces into place. This was an AU I was never planning to visit, but my magic glitched out. Again...

For a bit more context on this "glitching" thing, each AU has it's own source code, a series of numbers in a certain sequence to create the AU and it's link to the others. For instance, Swap has it's own numerical sequence, that part of it is shared with the swap AU branches.

Swapfell, is a mix of 2 AUs, so it's a half and half mashup to create it's own unique code.

What I do, is I use magic in my mind to think of a source code number, unless I'm feeling lucky. But, if it's the latter, since I'm never meant to be an AU member, my magic can glitch and send me somewhere entirely different.

With that explanation, I sat down on the couch, contemplating life. I kept myself quiet, but kept my hoodie on, and up, just in case any ideas came to mind for the skeletons here.

I heard footsteps stop, and felt a harsh glare on me. I glanced up, seeing the Sans of this universe.

I smiled, "Tick, right?"

He looked shocked, but nodded.

"Milly. I'm a traveller of AUs. Although I never intended to be here... but I have to stay here a while, since when glitches happen, my magic is at low levels and needs to recharge for varying amounts of time."

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