Chapter 2: Raichu are Real

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7:05 am

??? B3F

Waking up from all this was weird. You can't feel anything from yourself and/or outside of you. So I still didn't know what was going on with me... For the time being.

Anyway, if I understood what just happened, did Cord just turn into a Pikachu? It sounds crazy, sure, but... That feeling I always had when he was near me came back to me again for that moment. So, it could be him, unless I figure out where he truly is.

The ground started rumbling underneath me and it finally woke me up mentally from the weird slumber. It couldn't have been an earthquake, since I lived on the East Coast. And the surface I'm lying on doesn't feel like my bed.

My eyes slowly opened to find myself seeing a rocky surface. Apparently, I was on the bottom of a hole that was placed in the middle of the room. Above me, the surface was uneven, as there were bumps of rock every so often in the distance. But wherever this was, it was definitely not my bedroom.

Pretty soon, I was fully awake, with my eyes looking around to see the rough, pointy walls of stone. "Where the heck am I now?" I said to myself. Everything was aching from my body, with the majority of all the pain coming from my upper legs and torso. Yet, I was able to stand up in a couple seconds.

Go figure.

After I somehow stood up, I began to notice a few things that didn't sit right with me. For starters, with my body aching everywhere, my sense of comfortability was completely gone—like my body was rearranged or something. All of my energy somehow came back to me, even though I was just unconscious a few moments ago. And obviously, the place I was in was in no way familiar to me.

Meanwhile, I wasn't paying attention to what was right in front of me. So I ended up getting out of the hole, walking a couple of steps forward, and immediately face-planting myself after I tripped on a rock. I don't really need to say this, but at least I didn't really feel as much pain then...

I let out a groan that echoed through the room and probably past that, since there were two pathways that exited the room.

At this point, I really wanted to know what happened to me and why I was here. As it turned out, that would be answered pretty quickly. When I pushed myself up with my arms, I glanced down to take another look at the surface. That glance suddenly turned into a stare as I was dumbfounded by what I saw below me.

Instead of human hands with skin, I found myself staring at paws with yellow fur.

"What... How do I have yellow on me?"

A Pikachu...? These things keep on getting weirder.

A noise echoed in my mind that felt familiar and confusing at the same time. I decided to turn around and was able to take a look at a creature staring right at me. The thing was a dark orange colored rodent, having a white belly from the fur it had. To go along its white paws, its large, yellow ears gave a lot of red flags on the play. The best part about it—or the worst part about it for me at the time—was that it was floating midair on top of it's huge tail.

This made me realize what it was very quickly. "An Alolan Raichu?" I said under my breath. I pinched my arm and a sharp pain came to me almost immediately. I wasn't dreaming... How's that even possible?

Meanwhile, the Alolan Raichu was still staring at me, pretty confused about what was going on. And the only idea I had with me right now wasn't too good to be called one. I stared at the Raichu—which he at least paid attention to me—and took a deep breath. "Can you describe me?" I asked it. In about three seconds, the Raichu's face changed from confused to a face that questioned my sanity. "Can you just do it?"

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