Chapter 9: Cord's True Backstory

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10:17 am

Idle Island B5F

I have a question for everyone looking at this. If you were in the same position I was—you're a Pikachu, three Pokémon ahead of you are your teammates, and there's a fucking Swampert right behind you that probably wants to kill you—out of these choices, which one would you do?

                Would you:

A: Jump high enough for Abby, Cord, and Chris to make a move to hit Swampert, and use Quick Attack to hit Swampert's head.

B: Turn around and use Iron Tail to force Swampert into the water.

C: Grab the Blast Seed and use it on Swampert; or.

D: Play dead.

I'll let you choose your answer for a few moments starting right now.


Done? Okay, I'm... I'm going to admit this was a trick question. I didn't do any of these choices—but if I had the chance to do it again, I would do option A. What I did was probably stupider than playing dead.

I screamed like a little girl, grabbed both items, and raced toward my teammates.

It might have been a good idea at the time, but when I realized the Swampert completely ignored the screaming I was doing... I felt like I was about to die.  The Swampert opened its mouth to fire Mud Shot straight at me.

I braced myself for the worse to happen. Suddenly, Chris jumped right in front of harm's way and used Protect to block almost all his shots. I said "almost" because one Mud Shot deflected from Protect and struck the wall.

That made a piece of rock completely split apart and start falling down the left side of the room- which Abby was standing right on that side. "Oh, crap. Abby!" I dropped everything ran right over there.

She looked at me, "What?"

"Sorry about this." I jumped in the air and used Iron Tail to smack Abby out of the way. After some quick thinking, I decided to chop all the rocks aiming for my body using Iron Tail. The last one was an exceptionally large rock that was about three times my size.

I immediately raised my arm and I focused all my energy to make an Electro Ball. A normal sized one formed and I shoved the Electro Ball toward the rock, which disfigured soon after.

Meanwhile, when Abby was launched from my Iron Tail, her trajectory was leading toward the Swampert in the distance. She took advantage of the situation currently and used Bite on Swampert's right side. Chris joined in the fray by launching a few Shadow Balls of his own at it, but it didn't do much. And Cord was coming over toward me.


Oh, great. It's the female voice from yesterday. 'Hello... Whoever you are.'

Nice to see you again, Lucas. Seems like you're in what your kind call a pickle.

"Okay, can I at least ask who you are because you somehow know who I am without me revealing anything."

Cord got here just after I made that statement. "Manny, what was that statement—." I placed one finger in front of Cord's face, shutting him up.

"Continue," I said still using the one finger on Cord.

Well, I can offer a little advice with your situation. You see that other item next to the Blast Seed?

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