Chapter 17: Breaking In

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10:40 pm

Library of Research

Harmony decided to do a little showboating, as she made some weird trumpet noises while opening another giant door in the same hallway. Inside the room, a collection of books—around twenty-five hundred of them—were all placed neatly in shelves that surrounded the entire room. 'It had to be a library, didn't it...?'

Harmony floated towards the center of the rectangular room and turned around towards us. "Welcome to our library," She said whispering. "This room is for all the research we use for decisions on the Council."

Me, Abby, and Chris could barely make out what she said to us. "Harmony," I said in my normal, loud voice. "why are you whisper—."

Harmony immediately interrupted me by floating over towards me and placing one of her fingers on my mouth. "Shh... I don't want to wake up the librarian right now."

'There's a librarian here of all places?' I moved Harmony's finger out of my face to peek at who was on the right-side table. The creature—which was sleeping on top of the table—looked like a pale white baby with a half-star for a hat. I completely realized a few moments later that the "thing" had two yellow streamers attached to the back, and a familiar curve was on the creature's belly. 'This has to be a Pokémon, but which one?'

Abby and Chris decided to follow what I was doing and immediately pulled me away from my hiding spot once they realized what I was looking at. The two Eevee turned towards Harmony. "Jirachi's the librarian?!" Abby yelled at all of us using his whispering voice.

Oh, that's what the Pokémon was! "Yes, it is him Abby." Harmony confirmed the statement. "Surprised to see him again, Chris?"

"Again?" I said confused. "Chris, you've seen Jirachi before?!"

"Well... It's a very long story to explain." Chris decided to peek again to where Jirachi was, but to his surprise Jirachi wasn't even on the table. "Uh, oh. We might have a prob—."

Chris was turning towards the three of us when Jirachi literally came from above us and dropped right next to Chris' face. "Hi there!"

"Ahh!" Chris jumped back being startled, almost hitting a large bookshelf. "You gave me a heart attack, J!"

'Who's J?'

Harmony leaned close towards me. J is Jirachi's nickname... Or at the very least what Chris calls him.

Chris slowly walked up Jirachi and gave a smile out of common courtesy. "Guys, this is J. I know him since... I saved his life a long time ago." Both me and Abby's eyes widened out of complete surprise and confusion.

"Yes, that's true," Jirachi said smiling. "It was actually Harmony's test for bring him here in the first place!" He started floating towards a blue book on the top shelf next to him to grab it. "We have a tradition for finding people like Chris." After flipping through some pages, Jirachi showed the three of us a picture of a shooting star crashing into a forest with a house nearby.

"Before that happens," Harmony said looking at the three of us, "we select a number of candidates before doing an 'emotional test' to each of them. To put it simply, a small Legendary or Mythical Pokémon—in Chris' case it was J here—would make it seem like they accidently crashed in the forest and got injured." Harmony paused herself to think about what she was going to say next. "Um... The situation that happened there was actually real."

Chris shuddered. "I somehow still remember that night... I was the only person to wake up in my house that night. Wearing my PJ's, I walked to the cold forest and saw J with a little Eevee trying to bite J here."

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