I love you

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I love you Just enough to want the best for you
Not enough to stand around and watch you destroy yourself and make my heart bleed at the sight of your suffering
I love you just enough to hold your right hand and not enough to watch your left slit your wrist
I'd rather be blind
I love you just enough to carry u in my arms cus u are my forever baby but not enough to carry your coffin cuz u loved your addiction too much
I love you just enough to give u a glass of water when u giggle and tell me you are thirsty
But not enough to drag your body out of the pool for the third time
Not enough to see you gasp for air
See you fight for your life
My heart can't take it
I've never had to love someone this hard knowing that in the next moment they may not be there
I love you but some choices you make force me to move away from you
I love you, want the best for you that is why I had them take your blades, had them cut those prescriptions, had them lock you up
I did it for you
For you to look in the mirror and see that smile again
For you to live life again
I'm only sad I cant see you smile again cuz by the time you read this I will be long gone
Will have slit my wrist because my love wasn't strong enough to safe us both
I love you was never enough. Because you never said I love you back
Instead you said give me my meds I hate you !
I loved you
I loved you just enough to let you kill me.


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