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Once they had brushed their teeth and Nathalie's hair, they climbed into bed together, and lay down facing each other.

" goodnight, darling" he said as he wrapped his arms around her, and closed his eyes.

" goodnight" she said between yawns.

As they drifted off to sleep they both knew today was the best day in history.


As they woke up the next morning, Nathalie was being her usual stubborn self, times ten, and not wanting to get up and go.

"Nathalie, please wake up, we really don't need to be late on a Monday morning"


" please, do it for me!"

"Ssshhhh, I'm sleeping!"

" fine, you asked for it" he said as he jumped on top of her and started tickling her sides.

"Noo! S-stop, please, I-I'm up now!"

"There we go, now come on, I'll make flapjacks for breakfast"

"Oh yum! I'm going to go shower"

"They will be ready when you're done"

As Nathalie made her way to the bathroom with her clothes for the day ahead and her makeup bag, Alexandre started to cook the pancakes.

Once she had finished applying her makeup and brushing out her hair she made her way out of the bathroom and back into the kitchen to join her new boyfriend.

It felt really great to say that.

"Mmmm, it smells delicious in here! I never knew you were a good cook?"

"Oh trust me darling, I can make pancakes and microwave meals and that's all"

"Well then, either we become broke and buy microwave meals for the rest of our lives or we can learn how to at least cook pasta" she chuckled.

"I think that would be great" he said as he walked around to the other side of the counter and wrapped his arms around his new girlfriend.

It felt good to say that.

Once they had eaten their breakfast and drank their coffees they gathered up all of their files and tablets and made their way down to the car.

"Thank you for last night, really, it was fun, I enjoyed every last bit, and mind you, you are an excellent pancake maker" she said as she pecked him on the cheek as they drove off.

"Thank you, I loved it as well, just for next time let's actually try and keep our eyes open to finish at least a full episode"

"Oh well, it gives me an excuse to see you"

"You'll be needing excuses to get yourself out of seeing me, if we keep on repeating last nights escapade"

"I highly doubt that"

"Oh well, here's your stop" he said as he parked the car outside.

"It's alright I have keys, you can go inside the gate, it's easier for me to carry everything"

"Sure thing darling"

Little did they know, that Gabriel was watching them from his slightly tinted windows, as he was walking through the mansion.

He had heard the gate open and had gone to say good morning to Nathalie, but as he walked past the many sets of windows he realized that the car that had just pulled up was not her car, unless she had gotten a new car over night, this one was somebody's completely different vehicle.

He stopped and stared out of the window to see who the hell was here.

He could be over thinking it, it could just be Nathalie in an Uber, but he saw no reason for her to be in one, if something had happened she would have told him.

As he watched for a short period of time he suddenly got the fright of his life.

Out of the car stepped two people, Nathalie and that weird guy who was apparently 'just an acquaintance', who she met at the fashion show.

"Have a good day darling, I'm going to miss you" he said as he hugged her.

"You to, but I'll miss you more"

"I love you"

"I love you too"

And to Gabriel's horror they leaned in and met in a sweet  lip lock.

With a bit more than just a peck.

This was not happening, it couldn't be, he loved Nathalie, he had finally realized what was right in front of him this whole time, but he was too late, he had just lost his chances to date the woman of his dreams, a woman who had  managed to bump Emilie down to second place and had earned the spot of first and foremost in his life.

This couldn't be happening, he had to do something, and do something now!

Once he had finished his mini panic attack, he had turned back around just in time to watch the couple break apart and depart to their respective jobs.

As he was making his way downstairs, he watched as Nathalie walked in, through the big double doors with slightly swollen lips.

"Good morning Nathalie"

"Ah!... good morning sir" she stumbled as she got a fright.

"Are you alright? You look tired"

"Oh no sir, I'm perfectly fine, just an early start this morning"
During the day Nathalie's phone kept on vibrating every few minutes.

And whenever she checked it, it would always be an I love you, text or, I miss you, text from Alexandre.

She wanted to respond, but one of the main rules of the company was no unimportant messaging unless work was finished.

She didn't have time, she was planning for the next show, which was going to be held in the next few days.

There was no time for love.

As the day was drawing to a close, Alexandre had offered to pick up Nathalie from work and take her home.

She had agreed once she was finished writing out the final seating plans.

At five o'clock promptly, Nathalie packed up her  things and made her way out the doors.

"Good evening mr Agreste"

"Have a good night Nathalie" he said as he walked with her to the double doors and discreetly watched as Alexandre pulled up.

"Are you catching an uber?, you know that I would happily take you home instead" he said knowing full well who was in the car.

"Oh no, it's just a... friend"

Gabriel had to do something, this shouldn't be happening.

"Thank you Gabriel, don't bother standing out here in the cold, go back inside, I'll be fine" she said as she made her way down the driveway and out onto the street.

It shouldn't be like this.

"Ugh! If only I could just admit to her and tell her how I feel!" He told himself, as he closed the doors and headed off inside to go mourn in his heart broken state.

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