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Once they had arrived inside, Nathalie was taken back.

The catwalk had been set up to look like the inside of a seamstress' studio and all of the outfits were inspired by aspects of the sky.

The show was amazing, it had made Nathalie feel happy and stress free.

After the show she was able to meet Alexandres boss, who was the head designer for the company and she even got to meet a few of the models that were some of Alexandres close friends.

Once the had finished meeting people and introducing themselves, they made their way back to the car to drive home.

"Hey Nat, I really hoped you enjoyed today, I'm excited for our next one, and maybe if we are lucky I could find us another show to go to?"

"That would be amazing, but I think it's time for me to pay and be in charge of the next date "she smiled.

"Well then, how about you come stay with me tonight and then I can take you and pick you up from work  tomorrow, we can go back to your apartment and grab any essential items you need and then go back to mine?"

"That sounds great, but just letting you know, I'm a totally different person on a Monday morning"

"Oh well then, that makes two of us"

"I love you"

"I love you more Alexandre"

They said as they joined in a sweet lip lock inside the car.

"Come now, lets stop to grab your clothes and then we can order out again tonight, because between you and me, I can't cook to save my life"

"Oh well then, I guess we are living off of take out for the rest of our lives"

As they arrived at Nathalie's apartment they took the elevator up to her floor and into her apartment.

"Do you mind of you could please grab those files and my tablet on the counter there, the charger is on the shelf above the books"

"Sure thing, darling"

"Thank you, give me five minutes and I'll be done and ready to go"

"Take your time, love"

She blew him a kiss before disappearing behind her door to her bedroom.

Once she had packed, they made their way down to the car park and drove off.

After they had arrived at Alexandres apartment, he had taken her stuff for her, after listening to her protests, and carried it to his bedroom and put it next to the left side of the bed.

"What do you want to eat?"

"Well we had Chinese last night so why don't we just get pizza and watch a movie tonight, and I'm paying tonight "

"Alright, I'm just going to change into comfortable clothes and the I'll meet you in the lounge"

"See you in a bit"

"Wait hold on, where do you keep your blankets?"

"I'm the cupboards before you enter the lounge"

"Perfect, see you in a bit"

Once they and both changed into sweatpants and hoodies and gotten ready for bed.

Alexandre had already ordered their respective pizzas and was waiting on the couch for Nathalie.

Nathalie was in the bathroom washing off her makeup and reflecting on the day she had just had.

-"it's been a wonderful day, and I know I love Alexandre, this is everything I ever wanted, but I did imagine all of it with Gabriel, I still feel like I'm almost betraying him.

If he doesn't reciprocate your feelings you aren't betraying him"- she told herself.

-" you can't keep on hoping that one day he will suddenly think of you and look at you completely differently.

Stop living your life in hope, you have an  amazing guy who is waiting for you on his couch and who has taken you all around Paris for the best day you could have ever wanted and he has probably been the best thing that has ever happened to you since starting to work for Gabriel

Right that's settles it, forget Gabriel once and for all"

Once she had finished giving herself a pep talk she walked out into the lounge and sat down with Alexandre.

"I just wanted to say thank you for today, thank you so much, I absolutely loved it, it was everything I have ever wanted"

"It was my pleasure Nat, and I want you to know that I would go to  the ends of the earth for you.

You are amazing, and I love you with all my heart, you have brought out the best in me and given me the best two weeks I have ever had for a while.

Thank you, my darling Nathalie"

"I love you Nat"

"But I love you more"

"But I love you most" he said as he snaked his arms around her waist and pulled her in for a kiss.

Nathalie knew she had made the best decision.

She knew that they had finally taken off and were going to be official at the end of the night.

This feeling of pure bliss was amazing, she felt completely settled and happy.

Tomorrow would be the first Monday where she'd be happy to be at work.

After a while the kiss had started to become more desperate as time went on, but before they could go any further, they heard a knock on the door.

It was the delivery guy.

As Nathalie untangled herself from on top of Alexandre, he made his way to the door and handed the delivery guy a strip of cash and made his way over to the couch, where he handed Nathalie her pizza as he sat back down in a bundle of blankets and pillows.

"Hey, I think we should have a fairly early night, we've had a busy weekend and we have work tomorrow, and I don't know about you, but if I look remotely tired, Gabriel is going to ask all sorts of questions, and he knows when  I'm lying"

"Fair enough, how about we watch a movie and get into bed around eleven, it's quarter past nine now anyways"

"Perfect! so what are we going to watch?"

"Why don't we start a series, a bunch of colleagues at work have suggested The Crown, but I've never had the effort to try, what do you think?"

"What a coincidence, I was meaning to start that sooner or later!"

"Well then, The Crown it is"

Once they had finished their food, they discarded their rubbish and made themselves comfortable in each other's embrace on the coach.

After they had already finished the first episode , it was already quarter past ten.

" one more episode  and then we go to bed?"  Nathalie pleaded.

"Sure thing, darling" he said as he gave her a kiss on her nose.

Once they were halfway through the second episode, they had both began to yawn, they were both on the edge of just drifting off to sleep.

"Why don't we stop here, and head off to bed?"

" agreed. Well, goodnight, see you in the morning"

"Nat, what are you doing, you're coming to bed with me, it's not like we are going to do anything anyway, and if so, we are together now, so it's alright"

" we are?"

"Oh, well I guess I didn't actually ask you, but Nathalie sancoeur,  can I please have your permission to be your boyfriend and you my girlfriend?"

" of course you can! Aren't you sweet" she said as she wrapped her arms around his torso and squeezed him with all her might.

"And aren't you strong!" He chuckled.

"Come on, lets go to bed you child" she teased as she walked past him into his bedroom

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