Chapter 4

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Your pov

"Can I please take of this blindfold now?"

"In a minute sweetie we're almost here"

I rolled my eyes even though no one could see, I am hungry and I hate being hungry, if this place doesn't have food then I'll steal the car and drive to Burger King

" We're here!"

" Finally! I'm hungry as fuck!"

"You're always hungry" Noah said

"Shut it Noah, or else Finn will be my favorite Wolfhard"

"Stop arguing. Noah and Sadie, can you help y/n out of the car?"

Within a minute I hear the car door open, and someone grabbing my hands from the front, and someone pushing my back lightly, I hold my feet out and prepare to step out. Once I was out of the car, I felt Sading on my left and Noah on my right guiding me to who knopws where.

"There's a step in like 3 feet, so prepare to step up" Sadie whispered in my ear

I put my foot up, and for once I didn't fall flat on my face. I then heard the sound of another door opening. And finally my mom tells me to take off my blindfold.


I look around to see that I'm in a giant playarea, on onde side theres a giant play structure, in a separate room there's some inflatable bounce houses anfd slides, and I also see signs for bowling, mini golf, and laser tag.

There's also a group of my friends standing there smiling. First I see Asher and Annie, they've been dating for a year. i go over and hug them both. Next I go and greet Kenzie and Lilia, both of them like eachother, but they're too afraid to tell the other one. Next I go to the oldest set of Marten twins, Jaeden and Jayse , and hug them. Jaeden and I are closer than Jayse and I, but I'm prettty sure that's beacuse, Jayse is too busy oogling Finn, even though he swears that he's straight. Next I go over to Annie' younger twin sisters, Natalia and Hayley, and the younger set of Marten twins, Jacob, and Joshua. Hayley and Natalia have identical facial structure, and hair type, but Natalia has lighter hair and eyes, and she has more freckles. Josh and Jake are very hard to tell apart, the only way to do this is by how they act, and who they're with. Jacob and Hayley are best friends, they are both very smart and mature for being only 12. Josh, and Natalia however, are trouble makers. They are always pranking someone or doing something they're not supposed to.

Last, but not least there's Maddie, looking at me with that same grin. I met the Ziegler sisters through dance, Kenzie and I got along really well, she's like the little siste that I've never had(don't get me wrong Millie is great, but she's basically the same person as me) Maddie is a different story, shes's always made me feel, strange? I can't really explain it, it's like she knows something about me that I don't know. She's never been mean to me, but she makes me feel uncomfortable, yet protected at the same time. And she knows the affect that she has on me, because she always looks at me with the same grin on her face.

"Hey Y/nn, are you gonna stare at me all day or come give me a hug." She says with a smirk, and then she opens her arms. I slowly walk up to her and give her a hug. It gives me this electric feeling, thats kinda uncomfortable, but something about her makes me not want to go away.

"Come on lovebirds, lets eat!" I quickly let go of Maddie, and glare at Josh, a push past him and run towards the food. I grab some pizza and sit down, clearly embarrased by the entire situation.

Soon I feel someone sit next to me and put their hand on my knee, by the electric feeling, I don't even need to look up to know that it's Maddie. I give her a small smile, before engaging in a conversation with Jayse, Lilia, Asher, and Annie.

Maddie POV

Y/n is conversing with Asher, Annie, Jayse, and Lilia. And I'm sitting here eating my pizza, with my hand still on her leg.
Mads when are you gonna tell her I look over at my sister, she's looking at me with her head cocked to the side.
Seriously Kenz, nows not the time, she needs to figure out on her own, plus she hasn't even met her mates yet, I can't tell her, It's like breaking code.
Yeah, but it isn't breaking code, you can tell her
Mackenzie, shut up. We'll discuss this later.
I felt her disconnect, and she rolled her eyes at me, I sent her a glare before turning to my right, and talking with Finn, Sadie, Noah, Millie, Hayley, and Jacob. Mackenzie goes off to the inflatable with Josh, Jaeden, Nat, Caleb, and Gaten.

3rd person POV

After the kids finished eating they sang Happy birthday to Y/n, ate cake, and watch her open her gifts. Then they spilt up and did the many activities at the fun center. Y/n was having a great day, her heart and happiness feeling so full. Not knowing about her mates, that were falling apart somewhere nearby .

Thanks so much for being patient with me, I know that I suck at updating.

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