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Bold= lucas
Italic= athanasia

"hello this is Obelia's Pizza. What can I get fot you?"

"what's up yesterday?"

"haaah, yesterday? Hm.. Yesterday was the worst day ever since I'm working here"

"how about you? You're fine? It's not like I care about you but it just I'll never get my pizza if you --"

"I'm fine"



"hey what's wrong?"

"nothing. It just my dad. He found out what happened yesterday and yeah, he want me to quit the job. Then we had a fight. I can't sleep and cried nonstop last night"


"your dad have a reason why he did that"

"even so, he need to care about my feeling too. It just a normal accident and everything is fine. But he made a small issue bigger"

"if I were your dad I would do a same thing"


"you are his only daughter ofcourse he worried about your safety. Okay maybe that's annoyed you because he's overprotective but he did this for a good reason"


"I understand that you're now big, and can take a care of yourself but in your daddy's eyes, you still his little girl"


"you need to become matured. Go to your daddy and apologies. Hug him if you can too. He does a lot of thing for you. As a daughter you need to understand that your daddy want the best for you. If you really want to work again, both of you need to discuss together and having a slow talk to each other"


"why you still silent? I waste my saliva for this and you just keep silent?"


"if theres nothing you want to talk, I'll han--"

"thank you"


"I'll try to talk to my dad. Thank you for your advice"

"anytime my dear, anytime"



"did you just--"



"--call me 'my dear'?"


SORRY if there so many cursing word. I forgot to tell you about that hehe.

Obelia's Pizza (wmmap) {1} [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now