f i f t y - s i x

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Bold= lucas
Italic= athanasia

>> incoming call: my pizza girl🍕💕 <<

"athanasia? I thought your phon--"

"my dad give my phone back! Hehe"

"oh I see so what's up?"

"well, nothing happened today since my lucas was absent. It's weird because I'm pretty sure I saw him before he go to his class but then poof! He's not there. Sigh, I'll be insane if I still think about him. By the way, how about you? Did something happened today?"


"don't ask. I have a rough day today"

"what? Why?"

"I just met someone. He even more scary than my parents"

"really? Haha. You need to meet my daddy first"

"it's same"

"nah, it's not. My daddy is the most scary people. But Lily told me that my mom is very sweet. How can she ended up with my scary dad?"

"just be grateful that both of them met each other or not, you'll never be born"

"I hate that you're right"

"I'm always right babe"

"you know what? Sometime I feel really scared with my future. There's no boy who can handle my dad. Sigh"

"who say that?"

"me. Sigh. If I were Jennette, my cousin, maybe it'll be easier. Her dad is really supporting unlike my father, very overprotective"

"that's good. That's mean you'll never get hurt for being left since your dad really protective. He can just kill people who made you cried and you should be grateful about that. Not all people can get a father like that you know?"

"I guess you're right. Oh hey I heard daddy's step foot. So bye, gudnite lucas"

"yes, you too"



"it's feel weird saying 'gudnite lucas' even though he's not my lucas"

"I'll try my best to fight with your daddy for you, athanasia"

"seems like someone talked about me hm"

Obelia's Pizza (wmmap) {1} [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now