Making it Public

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So today Mindy the boys and I have an interview. It's with Alan Carr Chatty Man. I love this guy I mean he's absolutely hilarious. 

Right now Liam and I are in the car on the way to the studio. There's a silence in the car not one of those awkward silence ones but one of those we're comfortable in eachother's presence with out having conversation silence.

I'm sitting in the passenger seat looking at the passing scenery. The radio starts blaring 'Torn' by Natalia Imbruglia.

I start singing along with the song and so does Liam. We sing together till about part way through when Liam stops singing. I keep singing getting wrapped up into the music. The song finally ends and I take a deep breath and look at Liam.

"Why'd you stop?" I ask

"Cause I wanted to hear you sing on your own" Liam answers back simply.

"Oh I see" I say simply looking put the window. Oh hey we've stopped. We must be at the studio.

I turn to look at Liam and say "Hey are we at the...whatcha staring at?"

"You cause your so beautiful and now I found out you can sing you really are the perfect girl for me' Liam says.

I feel my cheeks turn red and I look to the ground. 

All of a sudden there's a banging noise on the passenger window. I jump from the sudden noise. I look up to see Harry standing there with Mindy. Liam laughs from beside me and opens his door. Harry opens my door and holds out his hand. Liam runs around the front of the car and playfully pushes him out of the way and offers me his hand. I laugh at the boys' playfulness. I take Liam's hand and let him pull all my weight out of the car. 

Liam and I walk hand in hand to the front of the studio followed by Mindy and Harry who are also walking hand in hand. In front of us is Louis and Eleanor and in front of them are Zayn and Perrie. Then in front of them is poor lonely Niall. There's alot of teenage girls standing out front of the studio yelling things. I block out everything the girls are saying, and focus on getting inside the studio.

We get into the studio and the boys are immediantly rushed off. I stand there with Eleanor, Perrie and Mindy. There's an awkward silence between all four of us. 

"Well this is awkward" Eleanor says.

"Yeah this is kinda like when we first met rember?" Perrie asked

"Oh yeah that was really awkward" Eleanor says laughing

"Hello it's nice to meet you I'm Perrie Edwards" Perrie says holding out her hand.

"Hey I'm Amelia Peterson" I say shaking her hand.

"I'm Mindy Divis" Mindy says holding out her hand.

"I'm Eleanor Calder" Eleanor says holding out her hand

"Hello again I'm Amelia Peterson" I say shaking her hand

"And again I'm Mindy Divis" Mindy says shaking her hand.

"Perrie I must say big fan" I say 

"Why thanks that means so much" She answers blushing

"Yup no problem" I say.

We sit in the room and talk for a little while longer till the boys come back. Then it's time for us all to go out on stage.

"Ladies and gentleman please welcome One Direction and their girlfriends Eleanor Calder, Perrie Edwards of Little Mix, Amelia Peterson, and Mindy Divis." Alan says as we all walk on stage.

"Hello" we all say in unison.

"Now before we get started can I offer anyone a drink?" Alan says.

We all shake our heads.

"Now I know that all of you guys can drink and I know that Eleanor and Perrie can help but Amelia Mindy are you guys over 18?" Alan asks

"I'm 18 years old" I state rather proudly

"As am I" Mindy says.

"Okay now let's get everyone a drink" Alan says. He hands all bottles of something. I open mine and take a little sip. My first drink of alchol is in front of lots of people in the audience not to mention all the people at home and the people that will watch this later on the internet.

"Now let's get started" Alan says.

We sit there and answer a bunch of questions and blah blah blah. Then comes the famous Alan Carr Chatty Man vs. One Direction dance off. The boys all stand up and so does Alan. They play the music and take their turns at dancing. Then Liam walks over to me and pulls me off the couch followed by Harry pulling Mindy off the couch. Perrie and Eleanor are lucky they just got to sit and watch. Mindy and I got pulled into the dance off. While Alan changed the tape we got into a huddle and whispered. I told them all just to follow me.

The music started to play. I got the beat and started to dance. Mindy and I being in dance for who knows how many years got moving with the music fast. The boys followed behind only a couple steps behind. We got done dancing and let Alan dance. Alan danced and then asked the crowd what they thought.

"Ladies and gentleman it seems that for the first time One Direction is the winner of the dance off"Alan yells.

The boys go crazy and start jumping and hugging eachother and Eleanor,Perrie, Mindy and I just stand back and watch them. 

We all sit back down and Alan asks the question that we've all been waiting for. 

"Now we can possibly already assume but it their anyone who would like to make their relationship official to the fans?" Alan asks

"I would" Liam says standing up pulling me up to stand beside him.

"This is Amelia Peterson and we've been dating for about a month" Liam says.

"This is Mindy Divis and we've been dating for about a month and a half" Harry says standing up pulling Mindy up. 

I smile to Mindy who smiles back. 

"Well then it looks like that's all the time we have today thanks for joinging us" Alan says.

We all say our goodbyes and walk off the stage.

"Ladies are you ready for the most fun you've ever had?" Louis asks

"Um should we be worried I mean Louis just asked us if we are ready to have the most fun we've ever had" I say

Everyone but Mindy and Louis laugh at me. Mindy cause I can tell by her face she's thinking the same thing. Louis cause he is pretending to act like I just shot him.

"No need to be scared" Liam says holding my hand

We walk out to the cars and get in. Liam starts to drive. We walk drive for what seems like 4 minutes and stop. I look out the window and see a big bridge. 

I look at Liam who's laughing at my face.

We get out of the car and are joined by the others. 

"Harry what are we doing here?"Mindy asks.

"Well we're going to go bunjy jumping" Harry answers.

I look at Liam who just nods his head.

Before I could fight I'm being hooked up to all these different bunjy things and standing on the edge of the bridge. Liam is standing in front of me. I'm faced away from looking down so I'm looking into Liam's eyes. Liam has his arms around my waist and starts to count down.

We jump off the bridge and fall then we are jolted back up. Then down then back up. Finally we just stop and hang mid-air. 

I start laughing and Liam laughs with me. 

We stare into eachothers eyes and start to lean in. Our lips connect and there's butterflies. I'm hanging upside down kissing my boyfriend.

This is the most awesome kiss ever.

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