Louis' sass can lead to trouble

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Mindy, Louis and I have decided to go shopping today. The others didn't want to come. So far we've only had a couple of girls come up to talk to us. We were just casually walking along drinking hot chocolate from Starbuck's talking. Or yelling in Louis' case. He was going coco yelling about how 'The sass master from Doncaster in the house.' 'Louis the Tommo Tomlinson is here' and lots of other stuff.

Mindy and I were trying to get him to stop when a security guard came up to us. "Excuse me sir I'm going to have to ask you to speak using your inside voice" 

"Well if you have a problem with me yelling you can talk to my hand" Louis answers back pushing his hand in the guard's face.

It went on for a couple of minutes till the guard finally said "That's it your coming with me"

"We're we going? Are we going on an adventure?" Louis asks jumping up and down.

"If you call jail an adventure than yes" The guard answers grabbing Louis' wrist and pulling him along.

"Mindy, Amelia don't tell the others about this they'll get mad cause I promised this wouldn't happen again after I got off with just a warning" Louis yells.

Yup he's getting drug off to jail for yelling and so he's yelling at us. Mindy and I walk over to a bench and sit down.

"What are we going to do he said not to tell the others and we can't afford to bail him out and they aren't going to let him out without some one there" Mindy says.

"I don't know what we are going to do but we'll have to figure something out." I answer.

"Um excuse me are you Amelia Peterson and Mindy Divis?" A voice asks

I look up to see three teenage girls standing in front of us. I nod my head and say

"Yes we are and sorry we can't take pictures at the moment" 

"Oh I don't a picture. I want to help. I couldn't help but hear your problem" says the girl, while the others just nod their head.

"Okay so how do want to help?" I ask

"Well before we came over to talk to you we looked it up on the internet the bail for getting out of jail after sassing off to a security guard is 300 pounds" said another girl.

"Okay" I say slowly

"Okay so here's the money" said another girl holding out stack of money.

"Wait what no I'm not letting you pay for Louis to be bailed out of jail" I say trying to hand the money back.

"Hey don't sweat it we're fans and we can afford it and our parents are always telling us do nice things to people and help them so here you go" says the first girl.

"Okay well than thank you so so much I don't know how to repay you" I say giving each girl a hug.

"Don't worry about it we don't need to be payed back just want a picture with you two and your autographs" said the third girl.

"Of course" I say. 

Mindy and I than get our picture taken with the girls and sign pieces of paper for them and then hurry to Louis' car. Thank the lord he gave me his keys and I got my driving liscense for London.

We race to the police department and run in. I run up to the front desk and say

"Hello my friend was arrested earlier I'm here to bail him out"  I say 

"Well ma'am I'm going to need to ask for your friends name"The lady behind the desk says.

"Right it's Louis Tomlinson" I say

The lady does some typing in on her computer and looks up at me and says "Ma'am I'm sorry to say  that Mr.Tomlinson can not be released till tomorrow" 

"Ugh you've got to be kidding me" I say.

Mindy and I walk out of the department and sit on the front stoops. 

"Wait I have an idea what if I distract the police and you can get the keys get Louis give the bail and we run" Mindy says.

We go back into the police office and Mindy distracts all of the police officers yelling about how she just got her purse stollen.

I walk around the desk and grab the set of keys. I walk over to the jail cell and unlock it. Louis looks at me strangely and I nod my head.

Louis and I walk casually back around the desk and I walk up to Mindy while he goes to the car. I drop the evelope of cash onto the desk and grab Mindy's arm. I pull her out the door. We run to the car where Louis is sitting waiting for us. I jump into the passenger seat while Mindy jumps into the back. Louis takes off driving towards his flat.

We get there run inside and lock the door behind us.

What an exciting day.

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