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this is probably the 2nd last stosuh fluff before the zombie plot happens ;)

cherish it~


I had just walked in on the stupidest thing ever.

And did not regret it.

To put it lightly, Jay and Hosuh were ostriches.

Well, not really, but they sure looked like it.

The sleeves of their sweaters were on their legs instead, and their arms were nowhere in sight. The two of them literally looked like walking hoodies with legs.

Jay was dancing around the place and tripping over his own legs, criss-crossing and spinning almost in slow motion.

Hosuh was on the floor laughing.

"What the -"

My voice caught itself in my throat as Jay ran up to the couch at full speed.

The blond jumped on the couch. He threw his head up, letting out an inhumane screech.

It ended up with him falling off the couch, on his face, basically doing a somersault.

I couldn't help it.

I burst, cackling along with Hosuh.

I was starting to get cramps from laughing so hard when Daniel came into the living room.

"What is all the comm -" He stopped himself when he saw the injured, squawking Jay.

He stared at Hosuh and I cackling on the floor for a second.

 Shock could be seen in his eyes.

After a good few seconds of silence from Dan, he pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. His shoulders sagged, and disappointment oozed off of his aura.

I laughed even more at the gesture.

Daniel was like the disappointed mother I never had.

While Jay was whining in the background, I turned to Hosuh, trying to calm my laughter.

"I need," I gasped for air, "I need, - Hosuh, you need to show me how to do that."

He was still laying on the floor, though his laughing had calmed down. Jay was still in distress, squawking obnoxiously.

"Oh, it's easy," the delicate piece of bread exclaimed, sitting up rapidly.

The hood had fallen off of Hosuh's head, his bangs were ruffled.

Like that, he looked so cute and, -

My process of thinking completely halted.

I flushed, mentally shaking my head.


I subtly tried to blink away those thoughts as I turned my attention back to Hosuh (as if it wasn't already on him).

"Then teach me!" I urged, trying to ignore the light, churning feeling in my stomach.

He nodded, smiling brighter than before.

An angel.

That's what he was.

For the whole rest of the day, the four of us spent our time baking a cake, playing RPG, and chasing each other with knives (Hosuh hadn't enjoyed the game).

Overall, the day went by classic.

Except for the fact that I couldn't get a certain someone out of my head.

And the worst thing was, I didn't even know why they were in my head in the first place.


I trudged my way through the lonely streets, walking back home. It had started snowing about 30 minutes ago, and it still is.

It's luckily not the heavy snow, though. This snow is light and fluffy, giving off a peaceful, quiet vibe.

Except for the fact that it's so cold that I can't feel my hands.

It's nine o' clock, the sun set a long time ago, late autumn, the weather is -18 Celcius degrees.

I can barely feel my face and my legs are numb.

Luckily, Stephen's house isn't that far from mine, so it's not too long of a walk.

I'm glad I don't have to walk so far in this weather.

And I'm also kind of glad Stephen lent me his coat, because otherwise, I would've died of hypothermia.

Stephen didn't even hesitate to throw it at my face when he saw that I didn't have a coat. He even told me to keep it.

I still have mixed feelings about it, though.

If I had Stephen's coat, then Stephen wouldn't have a coat. And then he'll get hypothermia, not me.

And everyone knows it'd be better if I got hypothermia instead of Stephen.

It did feel nice though, wearing something a bit larger than my size. I felt protected.

But either way, no matter how much I enjoyed wearing it, I still felt bad.

Tomorrow was Thursday.

I'll give the coat to him before school.

oh shit it's short

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