Chapter 13

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                    7 months later~

A soft snore emanated from the body beside me. I giggled and wacked Chase' bare chest. He didn't stir.

Starr smiled mischievously and handed me the whip cream. I sprayed whip cream all over his chest and then put some in his hands.

Starr leaned in and blew softly across Chase' face. His hand reached out and grabbed her by the waist, yanking her down onto his whip creamed chest.

I roared with laughter and snapped a picture of the couple. Both were covered in soft white cream.

"You are nuisance," Chase stated.

"But you love us," I sang.

"No. I love one of you," he corrected.

"Sorry Starr," I said. "I'm just too awesome."

"You wish," Starr snorted and kissed Chase' nose. He smiled and kissed her deeply on the lips, Starr's fingers tangled into his hair and Chase' hand slowly slid under her shirt.

I let out a high pitched scream. The two immediately jumped apart.

"What? What's wrong??" Chase asked worriedly.

"My beautiful eyes!" I cried as I cluched my face. "I'm scarred for life!"

"Don't be such a baby," Starr grumbled.

"Yeah, it's not like you never got heated with any of your boyfriends," Chase muttered.

"Think of this as payback for all those awkward makeout moments I've walked in on." He added.

"Well, I've never almost had sex in front of my friends!" I exclaimed.

"We weren't gonna have sex in front of you, Selly. We just caught up in the moment. You know how it is, one thing leads to another and then two became one," Starr sighed blissfully. Um, ew.

"No, I don't know how it is," I said hotly.

"Wait, what do you mean you don't know?" Starr asked curiously.

Heat spread across my cheeks. "I'm still a- I haven't lost my virginity."

"No way!" Starr yelled. "You're still an innocent?!"

"Shut up," That was my genius comeback.

"That's precious," She giggled.

"I'm leaving," I muttered and dashed into my room.

I was saving myself for my husband, but at the rate I'm going, I'd be a fifty year old virgin. Talk about AWKWARD.

I groaned into my pillow, how embarrassing, almost twenty and I haven't lost my V-card yet.

It was stupid Tyler's fault. Everytime, I had almost taken that step, I would stop and think about my mate, and I wouldn't be able to get into 'the mood' again.

Tyler passed by my doorway on his way to his own room.

"It's your fault!" I yelled at him.

Tyler raised hid eyebrows at me but kept walking. Jerk. I closed my eyes, wanting some quite, but that was practically impossible in a house full of werewolves.

No one knew about the letter I've recieved today. A summons to the Vampire's Court.

If anyone found out, they do their damned best to keep me from going, and I couldn't let that happen.

I needed to speak to the Vampires, and they needed to speak to me. The only problem would be sneaking out.

God, I'm a Beta and I needed to sneak out of the house? Pathetic.

Three hours later, I was climbing out of my window and sneaking into the trees. Hopefully no one would notice me gone, but if they did, well I've left a note.

I had no idea what to expect from the vampires, but past experiences warned me to be careful.

Vampires weren't as big a threat to werewolves as Rogues were, but still, I was wary of them.

Quickly and quitely, I moved through the trees. Just a little farther and I would be away from hearing range.

As soon as I came out the trees, I did a little victory dance. I hadn't been caught! Hopefully it'd be the same coming back.

A bell dinged overhead as I walked through the doors of Mili's Late- Night Diner.

Of course, the vampires would choose a frequent vampire hangout to meet up at. All the way back of the diner sat a lone vampire.

Lord Nicolas, second line for the Vampire throne, I slid into the vacant seat across from him.

"Thank you for meeting with me," he smiled.

"I didn't have much of a choice now did I?" I smirked at him.

"Yes, well, thank you for coming willingly," he clarified.

"That's better," I nodded approvingly. "Now, why am I exactly here?"

"You have something that would be great use to my people," Lord Nicolas responded.

I pulled out my necklace. "You mean, this?

"Yes," He breathed. "So exquisite, so beautiful."

"Yeah, yeah, it's great." I said impatiently. "Now tell me, why do you need it so badly?"

"That bloodstone is one of the last on this earth, It's the only thing that will let us truly rest in peace, With that bloodstone, we die peacefully, naturally. It also enhance our powers," the lord told me.

"And why should I give it to you?" I asked him.

"Because of that bloodstone, we will make sure that all werewolves, excluding rogues of course would be under the protection of vampires," A new sexy voice said behind me.

I turned around and looked into the handsome man I've ever seen, Prince Louis Simon Hapburn. My mate


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