Chapter 21: Unofficial Briarwood Riders

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Suddenly the doors of the hall opened; standing out amongst the noise. I turned to look and was surprised to see Sebastian and Head Mistress Hayes striding into the hall.

Other competitors noticed as well and before long all of us were quietly looking at them with unbridled curiosity.

Was something wrong?

"We have come to inform you on your grand challenge tomorrow." Sebastian said.

A wave of whispers spread throughout the hall.

That doesn't sound good...

"We are excited to say that Sunday your grand challenge will be held at Woodwind National." Head Mistress Hayes's voice was nearly a squeal.

Suddenly the meaning of her words hit me; our grand challenge would be held at an actual horse show!

The hall erupted into excited chatter and Tatum squeezed my right arm tightly; this was going to be my first horse show of the summer and I would be unofficially riding under Briarwood's name!

It was a July miracle.

Sebastian settled us with a firm hand gesture and began talking.

"You will not be officially riding in the horse show; instead you will all be riding in your very own class that Woodwind has so kindly allowed us to have. Yet this is not fun and games; you are to be competing against each other and will treat it as if you are Olympians."

"The bus leaves at four-thirty Sunday morning; you won't have to worry about trailering but you will have to worry about getting up on time. The bus will not wait for you." Head Mistress Hayes elaborated.

"The class you all will be competing in is the 3'3ft and 3'6ft class; I believe each of you is capable of jumping this height safely. I will not be judging your rounds but will be collecting your scoring sheets afterward to base my points; the rider who wins the class will clearly have the highest points. Now I advise you get some sleep." Sebastian said; "Tomorrow you will organize your tack and wash it; as well as braiding your horses." He finished briskly before leaving the hall with Head Mistress Hayes.

"I am so ready for this! It's my chance at redemption." Tatum said fiercely.

And I couldn't help but think the exact same thing.


The alarm went off promptly at four o'clock Sunday morning.

I had barely slept the entire night so getting out of bed wasn't really a struggle. My anxiety for the horse show today was nearly crippling already.

On slightly shaky legs I crossed the room passing Chloe who had woken up at three thirty and now sat cross legged on her bed artfully braiding her chocolate colored hair. She wasn't kidding when she said she was going to be throwing all of her concentration into riding...

Zoé was focusing on stretching her long legs and Amelia was drowsily rubbing her eyes and yawning.

I grabbed mine, Amelia's, Zoé's and even Chloe's clothing bags out of the closet and plopped them on each of their beds.

I paid little mine to my friends as I began getting ready for the show day ahead.

I pulled on my Pikeur white show breeches (my favorite and only pair that I had been given for Christmas last year) and then tucked in my white show-shirt and finished it off with my belt. To prevent against any stains I slipped on a pair of older, baggy grey sweatpants and a big black hoodie.

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