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There is a benign inquiry

Regarding the change in people

In culture

In values

An erosion, some decry.

An evolution, others rebuff.

Whatever it may be,

The truth is it is all a shaped and processed and manufactured thing.

Change is not random, not chaotic, not disconnected.

Change comes from factors, from smiths and grindstones, crucibles and hammers.

Change is forged, shaped, molded into being something.

Change is a driven force- one designed, constructed.

So how can you blame them for becoming something new?

Fed on a diet of revolution and empowerment,

Glued to their screen of fast paced change, rapid growth and transformation

Lectured right left and center about being more, about stepping up.

And so you wonder why they fight, why they rebel and push back.

Why they look to the future and spit vitriol.

Why they demand better, plant their feet and refuse to give in.

Would anything raised on such explosive and intricate growth ever comprise for something dragging it's heels?

Perhaps the real question is where will the line be drawn?
Between the now and the then.

The be and will be.

The future they long to see and the downward spiral carved into the world by shortsighted growth.

Bitter is the taste of defeat, of resentment, of disappointment.

But the clink of 30 silver coins, is less sweet still.

Cycles upon cycles

The wheel turns

The lord decreed man would suffer and die, from dust to dust.

Who are we to defy him, and fight to stay flesh longer than our due?

Who are we to demand the landlord evict us, rather than pack our bags in peace?

A welcome overstayed is no hospitality at all.

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