Mirror: revisited

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I am the mirror you threw in anger

Because you didn't like what you saw

I am the million chips of broken glass in the carpet



Jagged pieces of something beautiful

Broken beyond repair

I am the mirror you threw

The one that left your hands raw and dripping

That left shards in your palms

The mirror that dared to show you who you were

I am the mirror

The one that you missed the dance

Skipped dinner

Forgot your date

Your friends

The one that you spent six hours on your knees with a roll of tape

Carefully putting back together

The one that is cracked and jagged, and has some bits missing

The one that can't sit straight or hang on the wall, and has more than a few screws loose

I am the mirror that I threw in anger

And pieced back together

Because I am not broken shards of a person,

But beautiful faceted fragments of a greater whole

If you doubt, just lean in, take a closer look

But most of all,


It's so nice to finally meet you!

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