immunity - 12

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Shigaraki had been caught up in you lately. He couldn't get you out of his head. He wasn't sure if it was because he was going to be using you in his latest plan, or if it was just because he liked you.

Shigaraki had come to the conclusion that he liked you, as much as he hated it. He couldn't explain the feelings the felt, and the only somewhat rational explanation was that he liked you.

He would've rathered anything other than liking you. He would've even taken that you were some sort of pro hero undercover, but that was far from being possible. There was too much evidence that proved you really were just a lab rat.

Shigaraki made his way to your room and pushed the door open. You were reading one of the books that Kurogiri had lent you from the shelves in the office.

You paused reading and lowered your book. You blushed. Shigaraki leaned against your doorway, Father, as you had learned to call the large hand, nowhere in sight. Shigaraki was looking at you, a frown on his lips.

"Get dressed, we're going out." Shigaraki walked away, not bothering to close the door behind him. You did as he said, closing the door as he hadn't.

It took you only a few minutes to put on your suit, having been training with it for a week now. It was crazy to believe only about two weeks had passed.

You'd learned so much, and even Shigaraki said that he was somewhat impressed with how fast you'd been learning. Although he said you could do better.

You met back up with Shigaraki and took note that it was dark outside. What were you going to be doing in the dark?

"Kurogiri, send us out." Shigaraki ordered. Kurogiri didn't say anything, he only opened a warp gate that you and Shigaraki walked through.

When you adjusted your vision, you concluded that you were on a rooftop somewhere in a city. It was beautiful. The lights from various buildings flooded your eyes. With the amount of light, it didn't seem like night time at all.

You cautiously stepped to the edge of the building admiring the scene. The wind was harsh against your skin but you didn't care. You'd never seen anything like this before. It was beautiful, and a view you could get used to.

"We don't have time for this, let's go." Shiagraki shoved his hands into his coat pockets and ran toward the edge of the building. He jumped to the one below.

You followed after him, a little nervous. You were jumping across rooftops like it was nothing. Granted the buildings were all smushed together, it was still crazy.

Eventually, you reached a rooftop with a door. Shigaraki headed toward the door and pulled it back.

"Stay here, I don't need you getting caught." Shigaraki groaned. You reached your hand up to catch the door, but he pulled it back harshly and locked you outside. You frowned and turned back toward the scene of taller buildings and thousands of lights.

You could look up and see the stars, and the moon. It was all so close.


Time had passed much slower than you thought. But the sound of banging against the door startled you. You whipped your head around and saw Shigaraki rush out of the door.

"Run!" He yelled to you, sprinting to the nearest edge.

"Stop! Tomura Shigaraki!" A voice called. You didn't waste any time. You followed Shigaraki, leaping across more rooftops.

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