inducing fear - 18

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a/n: thank you for all the reads, votes, and comments so far! it means a lot, i love tomura and honestly writing this makes me love him a whole lot more, love u guys <3

Oddo is another character made up for the storyline!


Your eyes fluttered open and scanned the surroundings. You were laying on the old couch, Tomura hugging your side, sound asleep. Looking at the time it looked like you'd fallen asleep after lunchtime, taking a nap.

So much for only a few hours, the clock now read 9:14 pm. You shook Tomura gently, eventually waking him up.

"Huh?" Tomura's eyes opened shortly after he spoke, eyeing his surroundings. He noticed how you were snuggled against him. He moved slightly, allowing you room to get up before he moved and sat up as well.

"I can make dinner if you want- oh wait." You glanced at the counter and noticed some bags of food along with a note. You trotted over to the kitchen and read the note aloud.

"I made a little more than I meant too, enjoy the meal. Kurogiri." You smiled and felt the bag. It was still warm, he must've dropped it by pretty recently, you wouldn't say much over an hour.

The apartment was still cold, but the lights in the kitchen were on. That was probably what kept the food somewhat warm.

"That's nice of him." You say softly, pulling out the contents of the bag. 

"He's probably just trying to make us pay him back for something." Tomura slouched over to the kitchen, taking one of the plastic containers Kurogiri stored the food in.

"I don't think Kurogiri would do something like that." You said quietly, grabbing some utensils and heading to the couch to eat.

Tomura followed and sat beside you. He turned on the tv and sighed. More news about Fury. 

"He's really making a name for himself huh." You laughed, trying to lighten the tension in the air that had appeared out of nowhere.

"He's doing too much." Tomura groaned, showing a fork-full of food into his mouth. He held the container and fork carefully in his hands, not wanting to decay his food.

"Okay, Mr. Shigaraki. Don't you run a league or something? And he's doing the most." You smile, teasing him slightly.

"We are superior to that idiot. We make global news coverage. He's just in the area." Tomura's words took a second to process before he lunged off the couch. He turned the t.v. off and quickly rushed to make sure all the windows and doors were locked.

"Hey what's-"

"Shut up."


"I said shut up!" Tomura hissed, glaring at you. You sunk back down onto the couch, setting your meal on the side table. Everything was dark and quiet. 

Suddenly the sound of hissing air filled the room. You were scared.

You'd heard that noise plenty of times.

The noise of the air vents being flooded with sleeping gas.

"What the fuck?" Tomura looked around confused. You realized you weren't at all hopeless anymore. You didn't have to sit by and accept your fate. You jumped to your feet and pulled Tomura along.

"They're flooding the room with gas, it'll either put us to sleep or worse." You speak quickly and quietly.

"How do you know?" Tomura stood in the middle of the furthest room from the living room, the master bedroom.

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