a talk about feelings - 14

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It'd been eating away at you for three days. Three days you've been thinking about your feelings for Tomura. You were unsure what they were rooted out of, whether it be actual affection or being touch-starved and starved of any affection at all really.

You were conflicted.

And a special visitor was about to help you out.


"Hello, Miss Himiko." Kurogiri greeted the blonde girl as she entered. She wore a big grin on her lips as she waved around a knife.

"Hello!" She cheered. Toga was happy to be at the hideout. She hadn't really gotten the chance to talk to you and Kurogiri suggested to Tomura that it might be good for you to talk and become aquatinted with the other league members.

He figured starting with Toga would be easiest.

"MIss (y/n) is in her room, down the hall." Kurogiri told Toga, who headed off down the hall, eager to see you.

"Hi!! This is so exciting, I'm Himiko Toga!" Toga burst through your door, smiling and greeting you. You smiled and waved.

"Hi. I'm (y/n) (l/n). It's nice to see another girl around here." You joked. Toga took a seat on your bed sitting across from you.

Conversation flowed naturally between the two of you. And you shared a lot of things. Toga started asking questions about the lab which Tomura had previously told her not to.


"Don't ask her about the lab." Tomura looked at Toga. It'd been a day after the two of you slept in the same bed together. Kurogiri had mentioned letting you become closer to the other members, starting with Toga.

Shigaraki wanted to pay her a visit and let her know some dos and don't's.

"But what if I want to get to know her?" Toga questioned. She wore an evil smile on her lips as she danced around Tomura.

"What did I just say? Don't ask her about it, it doesn't concern you." Tomura explained further. He was slightly annoyed with Toga's persistence.

"Whatever. But you know you won't know what we do anyway so I'll leave it up to your imagination." She smiled.


Back to the present, Toga asked you another question about the lab. She watched how uncomfortable you got.

"Is something wrong?" She asked before you answered her question.

"No, I've just never really talked about it before, and I guess understanding things now that I'm free it makes me realize how terrible those people were. And thinking about the things they did to me makes me feel sick." You explained.

Toga was quick to change the subject.

"What about boys? You seen any cuties lately? I know you've got a crush on someone, you look like you're in love." She smiled, getting closer to you. You felt blush rise to your cheeks.

"I-I'm not sure. I guess I do like someone, I'm just confused by my feelings." You spoke honestly, not seeing a reason to lie to Toga. She seemed nice. She could be handful, but you imagined you were a handful too.

"Confused? Your heart will always tell you the truth, so listen to your heart!" Toga smiled, wrapping her arms around you in a hug.

"It will?" You said softly.

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