chapter 12

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mike was in a rush. again. he wanted to reach school as soon as he could. maybe he could catch el before class today. they didn't have the same first period but at least he'd be able to see her. walk her to her class, perhaps? they didn't have the same one but it didn't matter. he'd take whatever he could get. which is why he was trying get done with his breakfast quickly.

"michael?" his mother called just when he was about stand up.


"can you please drop these papers to mr. wilfred's house after school?" karen approached him with a file in her hand.

"but his house isn't even on the way!" he complained.

"please, michael. i have some errands to run today, otherwise i would've given them to him myself."

begrudgingly, he took the file and kept it inside his bag. his house wasn't too far but for some reason, senior year felt draining. every single day, he'd just head straight home because he'd feel so tired. which is why winter break was something he had been looking forward to. but that was over too, and now he was back to the grind.


"i didn't get to talk to you last night." jim said, placing a sandwich on el's plate as she sat down to have breakfast.

"that's because you came home this morning." el stated dryly.

"sorry about that, kid. there was some work piled up."

"dad, are you sure you're not overworking yourself?"

"don't worry, i'm fine. i'll go in late today. catch some sleep first. how was your first day after the break?"

"it was good."

"have you heard from any of the colleges you applied to?"

"not yet, but i should soon."

"are you nervous?"

"terrified, is more like it." she retorted.

"you are a bright and hard working kid, el. you needn't be. you'll go places, i know it."

she gave him a small smile. "thanks, dad."


"you're a real weirdo, you know that, right?" max snickered at mike who had been looking around in the corridor.

"what do you mean?" he asked, annoyed.

"your head is constantly trying to look everywhere."

"like a chicken's!" lucas joked, and hi-fived max as will and dustin laughed.

the five of them were standing in the corridor. the first bell hadn't rung yet, so they were just hanging around. mike was just trying to look out for el so that he could see her before his class. the only class they had together today was the last period. so if he didn't see her now, he wouldn't be able to see her till lunch break.

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