Finally, a light at the end of the tunnel

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I used to sit in the darkness of my room, and in the deep depths of my mind and wonder if happiness was a real thing or if it was something that was made up by the saddest people. The saddest people always need something to believe in and I thought, well happiness was something they believed in. I thought that happiness was only a myth, kind of like greek gods. 

Then one day....everything became okay. Seventeen years of suffering in silence, multiple stays at impatient psychiatric, many hours of therapy (that never worked, only made me more depressed), one too may perscription pill bottles that were often switched or added too; and just like that. 


I'm still not sure what happened or how it happened; but all I know is that the nonsense that everyone told me of "It will get better." was true. I know, you're probably like "Uhhh no. You're lying. It won't ever get better, I have to do X, Y and Z to make myself feel somewhat decent, if that so how could happiness ever come to me?" I don't have the answer to that. I wish I did; but I don't. All I know is, keep your head up, shoulders back, and a fake smile on your face because one day you'll be filled with confidence and that smile will become a real one.

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