Chapter 3 - Guns N' Roses

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I was brushing mascara through my lashes when I heard a knock on my apartment door. It was nine and I was getting ready to go out for the evening. 

I had a four hour nap after work and was feeling so much more refreshed. I don't usually sleep much, life moves too fast for that if you ask me, and sleep is just wasted time. 

"Coming!" I shouted. I had called Cassie up after my nap and asked if she wanted to go out tonight, even though it was the middle of the week. She was down to go and said she'd be here right about nine.

I set down my makeup and hurried to the door to let her in. "Cassie! Hey!"

I gave her a quick hug and then resumed getting ready. The blonde wandered to my pantry, pulling out a bottle of liquor and pouring a little bit into her glass.

"How was work?" I asked, opening up my tube of red lipstick.

"You know, the usual! Just a bit boring. How's the new guy who is helping you in the kitchen?"  Cassie took a sip of her drink, checking out her outfit in the mirror.

I shrugged. "He's okay I guess. Just a little weird."

"I'm sure it's nice to have the help though, you do a lot back there."

"Yeah, I guess it is nice. You've met him right?" Maybe Cassie could help me figure out where I'd seen him before, because I was not able to place him.

The blonde nodded. "I met him this morning after you left. He seems like a nice guy."

"Yeah, but he's pretty talkative. I was a little rude to him this morning, but it was so early and I just couldn't hold a conversation."

Cassie just laughed. "Gotta cut him some slack though, he doesn't know how mean you are in the mornings!"

"I did apologize though at least, so that's progress." I leaned closer to the mirror applying my deep red lipstick heavily. I loved the 'getting ready to go out' process. It made me feel confident.

Cassie's favorite part was the drinking and dancing, but mine was definitely the music. Feeling the beat of the drums and the music in my soul, it was pure euphoria. 

A couple of drinks couldn't hurt though! I grabbed a beer out of the fridge and popped the tab.

"Where do you want to go tonight Harlow?"

I took a sip of my beer. "Maybe lets just wander around different bars and see who is playing. Do you know anyone who's playing?"

Cassie shook her head. "I haven't heard anything. Ready to go?"

"Yeah." Putting on some black converse and grabbing my purse, Cassie and I headed out the door. I finished my beer and crushed the can beneath my heel on the sidewalk. 

We had only gotten a little ways down the street when a loud, neon orange flyer on a telephone pole caught my attention. It was all red and had a group of guys on it that just looked like rock stars. I was intrigued.

"Guns N' Roses, 10 PM at the Roxy Theatre." I squinted at the flyer but the picture was really blurry, I mean seriously shitty quality. I didn't recognize the name of the band or any of the members. It might be worth it to check out, I bet they were new, especially if they were playing on a Wednesday.

"Want to go see if they're any good?" Cassie knew me too well.

"Yeah." I nodded, already grabbing her hand and pulling her the direction of the Roxy.

When we stepped inside the nightclub it was a little crowded, hopping with people, but not nearly as full as I had seen it before.

Cassie and I ordered ourselves some drinks and settled in.

A group of five guys took the stage, a redheaded shorter boy was at the mic, but what he lacked in height he made up for with his voice.

I stood in awe as they launched into their first song. It was pure, dirty, rock and roll and I was quite possibly in love.

Although the rest of the crowd was moving, I just stood frozen, hoping to absorb the entire show.   Time stood still and I let myself be moved by the music. The guitar riffs were magical, the frontman's voice was so powerful and strong, the rhythm section was fantastic and it all fit together so perfectly.

From a mile away you could tell this band had chemistry, and I had to get closer.

"The lead guitarist is so hot!" Cassie screamed over at me. I nodded in agreement, but I was more focused on the rhythm guitarist in the back. Not that I would tell anyone that, but he just looked dark and mysterious. Very cute too in his paper boy cap.

"Let's go closer to the front." I grabbed Cassie's hand and we headed closer to the stage. They finished the final note of their first song, which I assumed was called "Welcome to the Jungle" based on the number of times that phrase was repeated, and we quickly started clapping and hollering.

I drained the rest of my beer and then just looked over each of the band members individually. Their music made me want to dance, and I don't really dance. It was just so unique and intense, although they were a bit rough around the edges. I assumed that they had just formed. They played several more songs that I was absolutely enamored with, and then the singer stepped back to talk.

"Hope you all had a fun night. Again, we are Guns N' Roses. I'm Axl Rose, and let me take a second to introduce the rest of the band."

The crowd cut him off cheering before he could say anything else.

I wanted to know already who this band was made up of, when they formed, everything. Something about them was so electric and I was getting the rare feeling that they were going to make it big. Most bands that I watched, they never gave me that feeling, but this one did and it was strong in my gut.

"Over here we have my man Slash on guitar, Steven on drums, Duff on bass and last but not least, my friend of fourteen years, Mr. Izzy Stradlin! Thank you guys for watching the show. We will be back this weekend for another!"

Hold on. Duff on bass?

As in the new guy?

I scanned the stage to confirm but it seemed as if most of the band members had already exited the stage. 

I shook my head. Must be a coincidence. 

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