Chapter 6 - Ghost

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I passed the pan to Duff to put in the oven, and then set to work on the scones, since Dan wanted us to do one batch of each as a trial run. We still had croissants and banana bread to bake and it was inching closer to opening time.

Duff helped me with the batter for the scones, adding in everything diligently while I checked on the coffee cake in the oven. It's very important not to overcook it, so for the first batch I had to babysit it a bit to find out the perfect cooking time.

Finally! I pulled it out carefully and then sprinkled the cinnamon sugar topping over it with a sifter, and put it to the side.

Daniel popped his head in about a half an hour before opening. "How's it going?"

"Not bad." I even managed a small smile.

"Yeah, all good over here." Duff gave the older man a thumbs up.

He gave us both a suspicious look, like he was about to ask another question, then the expression vanished and he headed out to the front of the shop.


The blonde boy added the dry ingredients to the batter, and accidentally turned the kitchen aid on too high of a setting.

Immediately flour went everywhere, all over him, and all over me since we were sharing the counter space.

"Fuck." Duff looked completely shellshocked.

"Have you never used a mixer before?" I stared at him with a mixture of contempt and legitimate concern, my voice dripping with sarcasm.

"It was a mistake, jesus you don't have to be so uptight about it. I'll clean it up." Duff already was at the sink, wetting a towel to clean up the mess.

I grumbled a little, and was about to fire back, but one more look at his hilarious flour covered face was enough to send me into a complete fit of giggles.

There was even flour in his eyebrows. He looked like a complete ghost and must have taken the complete brunt of the explosion.

The blonde looked even more surprised that I didn't seem to be angry, a small smirk tugged at his lips and then he was laughing too.

As soon as we stopped, we would take one look at each other and then just start cackling again until we were gasping for air. It was just the final straw after the busy and stressful morning we'd had. Staying up for days probably didn't help.

I turned away from him in an attempt to get myself under control, when I heard him chuckle even louder, leaning against the counter for support.

"What?" I demanded. No reply, just laughter.

"What?" I asked again, a smile on my face this time.

"Your... hair." He wheezed out.

"What about it?" I patted down my head, it felt gritty. Oh fuck, was my hair all white?

I immediately let it down, shaking my head to get the flour out.

"You look like a founding father with a white wig".

The visual was too much, I snorted and burst out laughing. "I am gonna kill you. I swear to god Duff."

"You wouldn't dare. You like having me around too much."

I whirled around. "What gives you that impression?

I tried to ignore Duff's smirk.

Immediately the atmosphere in the room changed. Something was different about him, almost like he was smoldering.

"Oh really?" He said in a more dominant tone.

I backed up further, slightly intimidated and slightly turned on, until I hit the wall and couldn't back up any more.

"Sweetheart, I know you like having me around more than you let on." Why did his voice have to sound even deeper and raspier?

"What?" I choked out in a small voice, trying not to acknowledge that he had power over me.

As much as I didn't want to be, I was stuck under his gaze, his spell. He was so tall, so dominant, so hot, so infuriatingly witty, and he could see right through me.

His eyes locked with mine for what felt like forever, leaning closer, his hand cradling my cheek. I felt his breath on my lips.

My gaze fixated on his stunning hazel eyes, the long lashes, and then flickered down to his pink lips. Why did I want him to make out with me so fucking bad? What was wrong with me? Jesus christ. I needed to get my shit together, I cannot like him. I can't do this, if I let it go any further I won't be able to resist.

I placed my hand on his chest, gently pushing him away. My eyes were wide and my heart was beating faster than it ever had in my life. I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding.

But we had shit to do. I couldn't let my guard down for a boy I'd known for about a month. That'd be fucking crazy.

"Um." I struggled to come up with anything to say. What was there to say?

He wordlessly put the scone pan in the oven, and we didn't speak until it was time to go home for the day, hours later.

I put on my coat, shaking my hair out from its tight ponytail and putting it up in a loose bu. I had a lot of thinking to do. Before I could head out completely, I heard Duff call my name.


I turned around, "yeah?"

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that earlier."

I looked down. I didn't really know what to say. Even though we didn't kiss, that was the most passion I've ever felt.

"The only thing you should've done differently was kiss me." That sentence tumbled out of my mouth before I could stop it. I rushed to my car and didn't even stop to look back at his facial expression.

Meanwhile in the kitchen, Duff put on his leather jacket, getting ready to head out as well, and he couldn't stop the shit eating grin on his face.


OHMY GOD i fangirled way too hard while writing this and I hope y'all did too.

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