▲ Vocaloid 101

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Vocaloid 101

        It's a new year, and that means a chance at a new beginnings. And there is no song that symbolizes a wish for new beginnings like "Regret Message", by Kagamine Rin. This song is also part of the Story of Evil, and like the rest of the songs in this series, tends to be very depressing.

Far away, at a small, harbor straying from a town

Stands a lonely girl with regretful sin

It has been here at this sea from long ago

That you told me of a legend

        The former Queen now kneels by a sea, a bottle in her hand. In that bottle is a piece of parchment that has been written on. On this same shore, by this same sea, she recalls a story once told to her by somebody she loved.

"Put a letter with a wish written inside"

"Into a bottle" said You

"And if it is washed away by the sea then one day"

"The wish you made will come true"

        She remembered visiting this shore with that person, who told her about a legend of this sea. "What you do," they told her, "is write a letter that has a wish on it. Then you put it in a bottle, and send it into the water. If the bottle is washed away from the sea, then your wish will come true."

        She laughed away their words at the time. As long as that person was with them, she didn't need a silly legend to make all their wishes come true.

But now, things were different.

Floating above the waves, a small bottle of glass

Holds the wish of a lonely girl's message

As it drifts far beyond the horizon

Quiet tears fall with the sunset

        The former Queen looked on as the small bottle was carried away by the ways, hiding her lonely wish. And as it disappears from her view slowly, her tears fell in the gloom of the sunset.

You would always be there when I needed you most

And you'd do anything to protect me

I know I've always been so selfish to you

And troubled you with my needs

        She cried as she thought of the lost person, who would do anything for her, who would give anything to her. She knows how selfish she's been, asking for this and that, tit and tat, burdening them with all her needs.

And You who gave your life to protect mine

Are no longer by my side

The sea will show you, my eternal gratitude

To convey my thoughts to the next life

        And they made the ultimate sacrifice for her. And now they aren't here. She can't thank them, she can't show them how she truly feels. Instead, she hopes that her small wish in the bottle will send her thoughts to the next life, and convey her gratitude once and for all.

Floating above the wave, drifts away a little wish

That holds all of my tears and my regret

I will never forget what I have done

That lead to your own death

The bottle drifts away with the tide, taking a wish with it as well, a wish that contains all her tears and all her regret, her regret over her actions that led to their death.

Floating above the waves, a small bottle of glass

Holds the wish of a lonely girl's message

As it drifts far beyond the horizon

Quiet tears fall with the sunset

As the bottle drifts away, carrying the wish of regret and sadness made by a lonely girl who once held the world in the palm of her hand, tears roll down her face quietly, as she grieves the terrible mistake that she made.

Floating above the wave, drifts away a little wish

That holds all of my tears and my regret

"If there was a wish I could make to you my sister, I would want to be with you, forever in your arms"

It floats above the waves, so small, yet filled with tears, both those which have been shed and those that have yet to come.

And even though he knows she can't hear him, the ghost of her dedicated brother says, "If there was a wish I could make to you my sister, I would want to be with you, forever in your arms.

        Now I'm sad. . . . .

        Next issue will have a romantic song, in celebration of Valentine's Day.

        Goodbye until then, and enjoy the rest of the magazine!

Otaku Magazine ISSUE #11 January 2015Where stories live. Discover now