I'm the Boyfriend

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A/n- Sorry for this one being short but I got this idea off of google so. I just came back from a trip from Cancun sorry for not uploading for a while. 

Person- Peter Parker

Warning(s)- None


You're walking home from the restaurant you and your boyfriend stopped at for dinner. You had gotten into a fight with him and you had tears streaming down your face. It made the walk seem even longer than it originally was. You suddenly hear somebody behind you say "don't move" causing your body to tense up. You stop walking and turn around to see two men wearing all black, and one had a gun pointing towards you.

The man holding the gun said, "give us your purse, phone, and anything valuable you have." You clutched your phone and purse tightly in your hands and refused. They didn't like that and started to come towards you so you spoke up. "Just so you know, my boyfriend was walking behind me, so he's coming." You hoped they would get scared and leave you alone but they didn't. They got so close the guy with the gun was about to hit you with it until you heard somebody land behind you. 

You glanced behind yourself to see your boyfriend, spiderman. Peter comments "Hey guys, didn't your mom ever teach you to not touch another man's girl?" The robbers asked, "who are you?" He then responded in a harsh tone "I'm the Boyfriend." With that, he shot webs at the guys and started to attack them as I went ahead and called the police. I went to the corner of the street where it's more lit up and waited for the cops to arrive as my boyfriend took care of the robbers. 

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