Unhealed wounds

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Hey guys! Thanks for reading my stories and I encourage each and every one of you to leave some suggestions or things you would like to see me right. I really need some feedback 😊 just a warning that the end of this is a but gory and gross so if that's not your cup of tea then just skip ahead of maybe this story isn't for you. It isn't really that bad so I hope you read!

El woke up throughout the night to some pain in her leg. The pain wasn't unbearable but her leg was definitely sore. El didn't want to wake Joyce since El thought she was pretty much sound asleep so El sat quietly in her bed and looked up to the ceiling. She thought about Mike and how much she would give to just take him in her arms and stay cuddled up close to him all night long. El thought about the way that his hair sat perfectly around his face and how when blown in the breeze it exposed some dot things that El didn't know what they were called. She thought he was the most handsome and loving person in the whole entire world and she wished for him to be with her.

El decided to call Mike on the SuperCom. She felt bad calling him half way through the night but she really needed someone to talk too.

"Mike? Do you ... copy" El asked uncertainly, she had never said 'do you copy' before and she only said it because she heard Dustin say it to Suzie on Cerebro.

"El! Are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm fine I just ....."

El went silent for a few seconds before saying "Tomorrow... come here."

"Sure! Okay I'll be there early tomorrow -" El heard a distinct yawn through the SuperCom, she felt bad for waking up Mike at this hour.

"Okay well goodnight Mike" She whispered at the SuperCom.

"Night El"

Mike instantly fell asleep, he felt drained from all of the emotions he had been through lately, his head was still in pain and he needed as much rest as he could get before he could go and see El tomorrow.

(Next day)

Mike woke up at 8:30 the next morning, he rustled around for his hoodie and he ran down the stairs.

"Mom can I go to the Byers this morning to see El?" Mike gushed to his Mom as he sat at the kitchen table trying to eat his Eggos as quickly as possible.

"No not today sweetie. El needs to rest, just give her some space!"

Mike frowned "She needs me mom! Don't you understand what she's been through"

"Micheal I do understand but she's been through a lot at the moment and if you were a girl you would know that she needs time to process what's happened and some time away. When she's ready she will come to you."

"BULLSHIT" Mike yelled "You have no idea what you're talking about"

"Micheal don't use that language in this house!"

Mike left the table and ran to his room "I'M GOING!" He ran up to his bedroom and got changed into a pair of denim shorts and a yellow shirt with red patterns. He packed a bag which contained one of his favourite hoodies he knew El would like, a vhs tape of ghostbusters and some Eggos. He quickly ran down the stairs and outside without saying a word to his mom and he got onto his bike and rode off.

El sat alone in her bed at the Byers, her leg still feeling quite sore and although she didn't want to admit it she should have stayed at the hospital another night of two. She looked around for the brown headed boy who said he was going to come this morning but had no luck finding him. She sighed and layed back into her bed waiting for him to come to her. El was about to drift off again when she heard Mrs Byers answer the door "Hey Mike, she's in here?" Mrs Byers took Mike to my room and he walked in.

Mike walked over to El and leant over the bed to cuddle her. She sat up eagerly in her bed "Hi" she spoke softly, she brushed his face with her hand and Mike sat down on the bed next to her. "How's your leg" he asked, El pulled her leg from under the covers and revealed it to Mike.

El was shocked when she realised she had bled through her bandage, the sheets of Wills bed that she had slept in for the night were covered in blood. "Mike what's wrong" she asked panicked, Mike sat there with his mouth wide open. He quickly got up and elevated her leg with one of Wills pillows that were lying on the ground.

"Stay here and don't move, I'll be back in a second!" Mike ran into the kitchen where Mrs Byers was making some breakfast and Will and Jonathan were sitting at the kitchen table.

"We need an ambulance! El's leg is bleeding a lot and it has bled though her bandage and her sheets. We need to get her to a hospital now!"

Mrs Byers ran to El's side while Jonathan called an ambulance. Will ran with his mother and Mike into El's room so he could see if there was anything he could do for El.

El sat on the bed panicked and uneasy. She could slowly feel a creep of pain going through her leg and she felt really uncomfortable. Mike ran into the room and he sat himself beside El on the bed, he hugged her closely and held her hand. Mrs Byers gushed at El with questions of how she was feeling, She checked underneath the bandages to see if El's leg was still bleeding. Blood poured out of the raw and open wound and El turned away from looking at it.

"Will I need you to get me a thick towel now!" Mrs Byers demanded and Will quickly ran off to get a towel. He came back in a matter of seconds and Mrs Byers threw the towel to Mike.

"Mike put this towel on El's leg and keep the pressure on it. Mrs Byers and Will ran out of the room to put some of El's things in a bag to take to the hospital, they knew El would be there for a few days at least. Mike lifted himself up from next to El and he sat on the end of the bed, holding the towel firmly on her leg. El loudly whimpered out in pain and started to cry.

"El, El, look at me .... you're going to be okay, an ambulance will be here soon so we can get you to a hospital! I need to keep this on your leg so it gets better okay" El nodded at Mike still crying and now shaking.

"I'm not going to let anything bad happen to you! I'll be here every step of the way." Mike reassured El. After a few minutes they could hear the ringing sounds of an ambulance and Mike leant over and kissed her. "You're going to be okay" he reassured her again and she nodded slightly.

To be continued ....

I hope you enjoyed and please leave some feedback! Enjoy the rest of your morning, afternoon and night 💖

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