Chapter 5: Training Start!

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'Hi' = thought 

"Hello" = speech

Now let's begin!


- 1 week after the final interrogation -

(1 week of suspension to go)

It was 2:00 in the morning. Inko Midoriya was running purely on coffee, determination and love for her son. She'd been doing so for the past week. Ever since the incident, she'd been doing everything she possibly could to cheer up Izu as well as help him to fend off his bullies and start him on training to become a hero.

She'd actually been pretty successful.

Not long after she'd started searching for ways to help her son defend himself, she'd come across an old and well known dojo which wasn't too far away. It supposedly believed in strengthening both the user and the quirk so she'd had close to no qualms about signing him up.

Inko had also begun to teach Izuku how to use his quirk, it was pretty similar to hers but a lot more powerful from what she'd seen of it. The green haired woman hummed to herself deep in thought. Whenever her son used his quirk, something always She couldn't put her finger on exactly what it was but she knew there was something. She sighed and tried to brush aside her worries knowing that if there really was anything wrong, the two of them would figure it out together.

In regards to Izuku's happiness, she felt she wasn't doing too badly. After they'd returned home from his interrogation with detective Tsukauchi they'd gone out for dinner — a belated birthday treat as he'd had to rest due to his injuries on the actual day.

When they'd finished the meal, (Izuku had ordered Katsudon) Inko had presented a few gifts to her son:

A sleek emerald notebook which he could use to make notes on his own quirk; the dojo membership pass and a large box of chocolates.

The younger Midoriya had been absolutely ecstatic then and was still in what Inko liked to call a 'happy haze' days later. His suspension from school had been a bit difficult to deal with as despite the bullying that school often meant, Izuku loved knowledge. He seemed to feel a lot better though once she mentioned that all of his classmates were getting suspended as well including Katsuki. She made a mental note that she still needed to speak with Mitsuki about 'Kacchan.'

All in all though, things were running pretty smoothly except maybe her sleeping patterns. Inko stood up from her chair and shut down her laptop before clambering into bed. Tomorrow was going to be Izu's first day at the dojo and she could not afford to oversleep and let her son miss out on something so important to him.


(Izuku's PoV)

- 6 days of suspension to go-

This morning, I woke up early. Not for any reason in particular but out of habit. It was so odd not being at school! I couldn't help but think about how most of the class would be back by now, gaining more knowledge and maybe even learning interesting things about quirks.

That thought made me want to crawl back under the covers and cry but instead, I steadied myself and went down the stairs to greet Mom.

 The kitchen was empty which was...unusual, normally Mom was in the kitchen in the mornings. I went back up to her room and she wasn't there either. Starting to panic, I searched through most of the rooms in the house wondering if a villain had attacked during the night when i finally came to the last room, the living room...

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