Leaving The Forest pt2

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Me and Navi walked down the path to find Mido at the end trying to stop us again "Hey Link, what did you do?" He asked. Then he saw out sad, gloomy faces. "The Great Deku Tree... Did he... die?" I nodded . "How could you let a thing like that happened?! It's all your fault!" He yelled at me before storming off.

I was to sad to explain to Mido what happened, but I knew how to get my revenge. I need to find that evil man from the forest.

I did what Navi said and started walking to Hyrule castle. I walked through the tunnel to the bridge. There I was stopped by Saria.

"Ohh your leaving." She asked. I nodded. "I knew... That you would leave the forest.. someday Link. Because you are different from me and my friends. But that's OK, because we'll be friends forever... won't we?" She asked. "of course " I replied. "I want you to have this Fairy Ocarina. Please take good care of it." I looked at the ocarina with delight. I remember when she would always play beautiful music with it. "When you play the ocarina, I hope you will think of me and com back to visit." I nodded with a good bye wave and ran off. I could fell her sadness of me leaving, but I needed to do this, I was different because I was the one going to save Hyrule.

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