Everyone is online
HavockWrecker: Afternoon my fellow comrades!
StormWarrior: wha...ARGHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!
AxeRazor34: It's dawn
HavockWrecker: Morning my fellow comrades!
StormWarrior: uuhhh...
97Nightmare: SHUUTTT UPPPP!!!
97Nightmare: I need my beauty sleep! This perfect complexion doesn't come on its own you know.
Demolition12: Perfect?
97Nightmare: Perfect
AxeRazor34: Righhhtttt...
StormWarrior: O.O Calm down Hiccup!!!
GronckleFish2: 😴...Meatlug?????
GronckleFish2: ...MMMmmmmmeaaaaaattttttluuugggggg
GronckleFish2: luuuuugggggmeeeatttttttt...
GronckleFish2: Hm... hm?
GronckleFish2: I-I-I'M AWAKE!
97Nightamre: Creepy much
AxeRaxor34: Tuffnut, why have you gotten us up this early?
HavockWrecker: Because Ruffnut and I have a surprise
Demolition12: A surprise for one Hiccup Haddock the third
DragonCheif: goooddddnighhhhtttt...
Demolition12: Not yet my friend
Demolition12: Hey Heather, how come you were already awake?
AxeRazor34: I got up early to train
HavockWrecker: Ohhhh, that makes sense
DragonCheif: Grounded...twins...goodnight...
Demolition12: Hey you can't ground me!
HavockWrecker: Technically it is morning
HavockWrecker: Or should it be dawning?
Demolition12: Good dawning everyone!!
StormWarrior: Just get to the point
HavockWrecker: We have a big surprise birthday party for Hiccup! 😁
DragonCheif: ...Eh?
Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image. 97Nightmare: EWww
StormWarrior: It's not a surprise if you tell him about it
Demolition12: Yes it is
Demolition12: He literally just said it was a surprise
AxeRazor34: *Sigh*
97Nightmare: Muttonheads
DragonCheif: Stop...buzzing...
GronckleFish2: Hiccup?
AxeRazor34: Hiccup?
DragonCheif: !!!!! WHAT???
StormWarrior: Go. Back. And. Read.
DragonCheif: Okay! Astrid! No need to shout...
StormWarrior: 😒
DragonCheif: What? Twins, it's not my birthday
HavockWrecker: NO WAY
HavockWrecker: I didn't know you could do that...
Demolition12: It isn't? Then who is this fish eyeball cake for?
AxeRazor34: Ummm
HavockWrecker: Heather is it your birthday?
AxeRazor34: No
Demolition12: Snotlout?
97Nightmare: Ah, no
Demolition12: Fishlegs?
Groncklefish2: No!
HavockWrecker: Astr-
StormWarrior: NO
HavockWrecker: Ruffnut?
Demolition12: I have the same birthday as you.
HavockWrecker: Is it my birthday?
AxeRazor34: .
97Nightmare: No
HavockWrecker: Then who is the party for? Gustav?
Demolition12: And the cake
DragonCheif: Well, I'm sure Barf and Belch wouldn't mind a fish eyeball cake...
Demolition12: Heyyy yeahhh!!
HavockWrecker: Hiccup, you are a one-legged genius!
DragonCheif: Really? Was that necessary?
Demolition12: I hereby decree that the birthday of one Barf, and one Belch, be given to this day!
HavockWrecker: This forever glorious day in Viking history!
DragonCheif: That's not actually what I meant... You know what? Never mind
97Nightmare: You got me up, at dawn, for this????
97Nightmare: I'm going back to bed
Groncklefish2: *sigh*
StormWarrior: Hey Heather?
AxeRazor34: Yeah?
StormWarrior: Wanna go train?
AxeRazor: You betcha! 😁
AxeRazor34 and StormWarrior have left the chat
97Nightmare: On second thought, this beautiful Viking body needs a workout...
97Nightmare has left the chat
Groncklefish2 You do know, that you can't actually change someone's birthday
HavockWrecker: Why not? Hiccup did
Demolition12: We should change ours!
HavockWrecker: Brilliant idea sisternut! To today our birthday shall be!
Demolition12: And tomorrow
DragonCheif: Fishlegs, don't
GronckleFish2: But Hiccup, do they really expect-
DragonCheif: No, they don't. Good dawning 😴
DragonCheif has left the chat
HavockWrecker: And next week
Demolition12: And next year
GronckleFish2: But you have already have a birthday every yea-
GronckleFish2: ...
GronckleFish2 has left the chat
HavockWrecker: And on Snotlout's birthday...
Demolition12: and Astrid's...
HavockWrecker: So much cake...
RTTE Texting
FanfictionHiccup invents devices which allow people to communicate over long distances, as well as being able to capture moments in time, and numerous other things. Hiccup is a genius. Don't you think? (THIS IS COMIC RELIEF, mildly weird)