A... Birthday?

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HavockWrecker: Afternoon my fellow comrades!

StormWarrior: wha...ARGHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!

AxeRazor34: It's dawn

HavockWrecker: Morning my fellow comrades!

StormWarrior: uuhhh...

97Nightmare: SHUUTTT UPPPP!!!

97Nightmare: I need my beauty sleep! This perfect complexion doesn't come on its own you know.

Demolition12: Perfect?

97Nightmare: Perfect

AxeRazor34: Righhhtttt...


StormWarrior: O.O Calm down Hiccup!!!

GronckleFish2: 😴...Meatlug?????

GronckleFish2: ...MMMmmmmmeaaaaaattttttluuugggggg

GronckleFish2: luuuuugggggmeeeatttttttt...

GronckleFish2: Hm... hm?

GronckleFish2: I-I-I'M AWAKE!

97Nightamre: Creepy much

AxeRaxor34: Tuffnut, why have you gotten us up this early?

HavockWrecker: Because Ruffnut and I have a surprise

Demolition12: A surprise for one Hiccup Haddock the third

DragonCheif: goooddddnighhhhtttt...

Demolition12: Not yet my friend

Demolition12: Hey Heather, how come you were already awake?

AxeRazor34: I got up early to train

HavockWrecker: Ohhhh, that makes sense

DragonCheif: Grounded...twins...goodnight...

Demolition12: Hey you can't ground me!

HavockWrecker: Technically it is morning

HavockWrecker: Or should it be dawning?

Demolition12: Good dawning everyone!!

StormWarrior: Just get to the point

HavockWrecker: We have a big surprise birthday party for Hiccup! 😁

DragonCheif: ...Eh?


97Nightmare: EWww

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97Nightmare: EWww

StormWarrior: It's not a surprise if you tell him about it

Demolition12: Yes it is

Demolition12: He literally just said it was a surprise

AxeRazor34: *Sigh*

97Nightmare: Muttonheads

DragonCheif: Stop...buzzing...

GronckleFish2: Hiccup?

AxeRazor34: Hiccup?


DragonCheif: !!!!!  WHAT???

StormWarrior: Go. Back. And. Read.

DragonCheif: Okay! Astrid! No need to shout...

StormWarrior: 😒

DragonCheif: What? Twins, it's not my birthday

HavockWrecker: NO WAY


HavockWrecker: I didn't know you could do that...

Demolition12: It isn't? Then who is this fish eyeball cake for?

AxeRazor34: Ummm 

HavockWrecker: Heather is it your birthday?

AxeRazor34: No

Demolition12: Snotlout?

97Nightmare: Ah, no

Demolition12: Fishlegs?

Groncklefish2: No!

HavockWrecker: Astr-

StormWarrior: NO

HavockWrecker: Ruffnut?

Demolition12: I have the same birthday as you.

HavockWrecker: Is it my birthday?

AxeRazor34: .

97Nightmare: No

HavockWrecker: Then who is the party for? Gustav?

Demolition12: And the cake

DragonCheif: Well, I'm sure Barf and Belch wouldn't mind a fish eyeball cake...

Demolition12: Heyyy yeahhh!!

HavockWrecker: Hiccup, you are a one-legged genius!

DragonCheif: Really? Was that necessary?

Demolition12: I hereby decree that the birthday of one Barf, and one Belch, be given to this day!

HavockWrecker: This forever glorious day in Viking history!

DragonCheif: That's not actually what I meant... You know what? Never mind

97Nightmare: You got me up, at dawn, for this????

97Nightmare: I'm going back to bed

Groncklefish2: *sigh*

StormWarrior: Hey Heather?

AxeRazor34: Yeah?

StormWarrior: Wanna go train?

AxeRazor: You betcha! 😁

AxeRazor34 and StormWarrior have left the chat

97Nightmare: On second thought, this beautiful Viking body needs a workout...

97Nightmare has left the chat

Groncklefish2 You do know, that you can't actually change someone's birthday

HavockWrecker: Why not? Hiccup did

Demolition12: We should change ours!

HavockWrecker: Brilliant idea sisternut! To today our birthday shall be!

Demolition12: And tomorrow

DragonCheif: Fishlegs, don't

GronckleFish2: But Hiccup, do they really expect-

DragonCheif: No, they don't. Good dawning 😴

DragonCheif has left the chat 

HavockWrecker: And next week

Demolition12: And next year

GronckleFish2: But you have already have a birthday every yea-

GronckleFish2: ...

GronckleFish2 has left the chat

HavockWrecker: And on Snotlout's birthday...

Demolition12: and Astrid's...

HavockWrecker: So much cake...

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