Disguises - Turn2Paige394

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"No... no... dammit.." The elven rogue let out a long, exasperated sigh as he rummaged through his disguise kit. The group had been traveling for a while, and just now Deiran's disguise kit supplies were starting to run out.

"Really should've gotten one of those disguise hats.." He tossed the bag aside, drumming his fingers on the old counter of the room he was staying in. Soon, an idea popped into his head as he grabbed the bag once more and made his way out and down the hall, stopping in front of Crara's door.
He barely knocked on the door before opening it, and was promptly greeted by a dagger slamming into the wall next to him.

"Well.... good morning to you too." The elf spoke unphased, spotting his fellow pink haired companion standing a few feet away with another dagger in hand.

"Deiran I thought we talked about this... Alarm Spell... If you just walk in it's not my fault if you get stabbed." Crara relaxed a little when she realized who it was she nearly impaled.

"In my defense, I forgot you knew magic," Deiran shrugged, closing the door behind him before prying the dagger out of the wall. "I need a favor."
Crara raised a brow at the mention of favors, stowing her current dagger on her belt before walking over to retrieve the other one from him.

"And just what kind of favor would that be?"

"You know how to make disguises, right?"

"Do I?" The ranger laughed a little. "Have you seen the amount of cosmetics I carry? I'd be shocked at myself if I couldn't."

"Good. I need help with a disguise today," The elf gave her a brief pat on the shoulder before walking past, sitting down in a nearby chair. "My kit is all but empty now."

"You really should get a disguise hat," Crara teased him lightly, following after and gently taking the disguise kit from him to inspect it. "Or learn to use this makeup scarcely."

"Listen, I don't put this on religiously like you do," Deiran rolled his eyes, looking towards the ranger. "Which you haven't done yet today, I see."

"In my defense, I was about to when you decided to just invite yourself in," Crara responded as she looked through the disguise kit, starting to pull out anything she could use. "Did you have any disguise in mind, or are you putting blind faith in me?"

"Just... don't do anything like you did to Zinc."

"Don't forget, that was *your* idea." The ranger smirked, setting out the supplies from the disguise kit on a nearby table. She stepped away a moment to retrieve her own kit from her pack, searching through it for more makeup and dyes to use. She pulled up a second chair and sat across from Deiran, studying his face for a few seconds before starting to grab makeup and carefully apply it to his face.

Deiran stayed still as the ranger began her work, his eyes just glancing around before settling on the blue stone necklace she was wearing. Without thinking, he reached up and gently grabbed it to look closer.

"Is this one of your little trophies as well?" He asked curiously, looking over the white lines that cut through the deep blue color of the gemstone.

"You... really don't get personal space," Crara sighed softly, trying her best to ignore him playing with her necklace as she applied some concealer to the scar creeping up his cheek. "Yes it is. It's a sodalite stone I found about five years ago."

"Lovely. Why do you wear it though?" Deiran looked up at her, letting go of the necklace as he noticed she was tensing up a little.

"Well... some say stones have healing properties. Sodalite helps with anxiety and self esteem," The ranger finished covering up Deiran's scar, leaning back a moment to grab some of her own makeup and starting to apply it to his face. "Well at least, that's what it's said to do.."

"You don't think it's helping you?" She couldn't see it, but Deiran have her a genuine look of concern.

"I... want to think it helps, but... I don't know." Crara shook her head, focusing on contouring the rogue's face a little and covering up any other scars on his skin.

"Why would you be worried about your self esteem? You always seem so... sure of yourself? Not to mention your aesthetic."

"There's a lot Make-up and hair dye can't get rid of, Deiran.."

'She's not wrong' Deiran thought to himself, glancing around once more as she continued her work. Soon enough, he found himself just studying her face. Her unusually golden-yellow eyes, a couple scars here and there from previous battles, her multicolored face tattoo with its geometric patterns. He didn't know why, but every little detail intrigued him.

"There we go." Crara finished up the details of his face, slowly sitting back and looking over her work. "Well this is a start, what do you think?" She nodded to the mirror on the dresser behind her.

The elf glanced over the human's shoulder and immediately... froze. Seeing his reflection, the very first detail he noticed was that his scar was gone. Just poof. Vanished. He slowly got up from his seat and walked closer to the mirror to inspect. He had not seen his face almost flawless in months, and he wasn't sure how he felt about it.

"Deiran?" Crara glanced back to him, noticing the almost blank expression on his face.

Deiran didn't respond to her, just quietly staring at his reflection for the next minute.

Crara felt a pit forming in her stomach, feeling she did something wrong with the disguise. She slowly got up and walked over to the dresser.

"I... I can try and fix it if it's terrible to you..."

"Huh? Oh no no. You did a great job. It's just... it's been a while since I've seen myself like this," He glanced back to her with a sort of half smile. "Thank you." 

"Ah.. well, y-you're welcome," The ranger's face flushed up at his smile. "Well I.. need to get to work on my face now."

"Hmmm, no. You sit down." Deiran laughed and shook his head, gently grabbing Crara by her shoulders and guiding her back to the chair. "You helped me. Now my turn to help you."

"H-Huh? Deiran I can do my makeup mysel-" the girl let out a sort of squeak as he had her sit down, her face turning a darker shade of red. "O-Okay. You do what you want."

Deiran only smirked, sitting across from her and skimming through her disguise kit. After grabbing a few items out, he reached over to carefully brush her curly hair out of her face.

"Okay. Let's get started."


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