What Ifs - Turn2Paige394

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Deiran almost couldn't hear himself as he screamed, witnessing the leader of the Onyx Order, the Exalted Blade, slitting Crara's throat right in front of him. Time had slowed down as the very same dagger he had carried for years ended his partner's life, blood coating the black steel blade. The Exalted Blade simply let the girl's body hit the stonework, turning to the elven rogue.

"Such a pity... she seemed like such a lovely young woman," They simply chuckled, watching Deiran crawl over and cradle the ranger's corpse. "This would never have happened if you had just remembered to obey"

Tears streamed down the rogue's face as he held his partner close, holding a hand to her throat and desperately reciting a Cure Wounds spell he had heard her speak a dozen times despite his inability to control magic.

"Take him away, and dispose of this body. He needs some time to recover before he face's his own punishment." The Exalted Blade turned to walk away, a couple of Order members grabbing Deiran by the arms and dragging him away from Crara's body.

"No! Don't you dare touch her!"

"NO!" The elf nearly shouted as he snapped out of his trance, sweat beading on his forehead as he glanced around in panic. He was back at the inn the party was staying at, in the room he and Crara shared. His eyes darted over to the nearby bed, a wave of relief washing over him as he spotted the pink haired ranger sound asleep and undisturbed from his outburst.

Deiran tried to shake the nightmare from his head, getting up from his seat and walking over to Crara's bedside. She appeared to be resting soundly, curled up on her side facing towards him. Her wavy mess of pink hair covered part of her face, prompting Deiran to gently brush it aside.

'She's okay' He thought to himself. 'It was just a dream. She's okay..'

He kept repeating those words in his head as he slowly stepped around to the other side of the bed, sitting down and letting out a deep sigh. While he had gotten his four hours from trancing, the nightmare left him feeling unsettled and restless. He glanced over his shoulder at the sleeping girl once more, pondering the events that led to this.

Crara had been stubborn and followed him when Rayla appeared in Emerald, and now she was sworn to secrecy the knowledge of the Onyx Order for the rest of her life. Deiran knew how big the target was on his back already was, and the last thing he wanted to do was share the burden with someone else. Especially when that person was the woman he had grown to care for and love deeply.

But this was their lives now. No one else in the party could know. The elf sighed again and looked forward once more, getting lost in his thoughts as he stared into the quiet darkness of the room. He didn't notice the bed shift, not until a pair of delicate arms wrapped around his waist.

"You should sleep, darling," Deiran couldn't help but smile a little as Crara began to hug him from behind. "You need it more than I do."

"You should sneak into bed more quietly..." The girl let out a yawn, nuzzling her face into the crook of his neck.

"My apologies. I thought you were fast asleep." Deiran rested his hands on top of hers, quietly enjoying the warmth and comforted that radiated off her.

"You had another one..."

"Hm? Another what?"


"Assassins don't get nightmares, darling," Deiran laughed softly, trying his best to hide the truth. "Otherwise we would never get work done."

"You're trembling, Deiran...." Crara wasn't wrong. The rogue found himself shaking ever so slightly, a side effect from his dream.

"You're rather perceptive for someone who is half asleep," He responded, carefully rotating to face her. "Come on, let's get you back to sleep." He pressed a kiss to her forehead before gently pulling her down with him, wrapping his arms around her and holding her close.

"What was it about this time?" Crara mumbled softly as she curled up in his arms.

"You're not gonna sleep until I tell you, huh?"


"You truly are a stubborn brat, you know that?"

"I know... I'm your stubborn brat." Deiran chuckled at Crara's honesty, holding her a little tighter.

"It was about the Order.... Again.."

"What went down this time?" Crara leaned her head up a little to look at him, golden yellow eyes shimmering just a little in the moonlight.

"They... had killed you," Deiran tensed up as he spoke, the dream appearing in his mind in small flashes. "I wasn't able to stop them... I was weak."

"Darling, it was just a dream.."

"But what if it becomes real? Cra I... I don't know if I could forgive myself if they ever hurt you or worse.."

"I'm the one who followed after you that day, Deiran," Crara shook her head, hugging onto him a little tighter. "You can't always prepare for the worst. And you know damn well I will try to take some of them down with me if they ever try to attack me."

"I know that..." The elf mumbled, leaning down and hiding his face in the girl's neck. "Still... I want to protect you. I will never let them get close to you or hurt you."

"I believe you." Crara smiled a little, knowing all too well how he would risk his life for her, and how she would do the same.

Deiran pulled back just a little to look over her face, before leaning in and kissing her gently for a moment. Resting his forehead against hers afterwards, he felt a bit more relaxed.

"Get some sleep now, love.."

"Okay... you should sleep, too."

"Heh, elves don't need sleep. You know that."

"I do..." Crara let out another soft yawn, her eyes falling shut. "Just try to... you need rest."

"Fine, fine~." Deiran smiled and kissed her forehead, holding her close as she began to drift off to sleep.

He stayed awake a little while longer, holding his partner close and comforting her through any small dreams she experienced.

Surprisingly, Deiran found his eyes getting heavier, managing to fall asleep. And for once in a long time, he experienced no nightmares.


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