Unlikely Companions - Turn2Paige394

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Rayla kept a sharp lookout, the nearby campfire reduced to a pile of dim embers. Adrien was curled up on his side, his colorful familiar nuzzled against him. The elven rogue shot a quick glance to the boy, letting out a soft sigh. She and two Order members had been dispatched by the Exalted Blade to execute the Lauffensteds, a consequence for their current prisoner's lack of compliance. But that's not what they were told...

At first she didn't question it, having been told this family was a threat to the kingdom. It wasn't until the mission had begun did she begin to have doubts. Why were they sent to kill these innocent people? What was the motive? Feris and Laural had been disposed of rather quickly, and their homestead set ablaze to cover up the murders. That left tracking down the boy, whom the three of them found fairly easily. However, seeing a look of pure fear and innocence in Adrien's eyes caused the hardened rogue to have a change of heart, swiftly killing her own comrades instead and escaping town with her former target.

A hoot of an owl caught Rayla's attention, instinctively pulling her dagger from her belt. The Order has eyes everywhere, and she didn't trust anything that so much breathed at this point.

"Come on little wizard, time to move again." The elf gently shook the boy awake, snuffing out the rest of the embers with the heel of her boot.

"It's still dark..." Adrien let out a soft whimper as he woke up, hugging onto Bismuth lightly. The multi chromed cat let out a soft mew, his eyes darting up to the elf.

"We can rest at a tavern. Come on." Rayla hoisted the boy to his feet, grabbing his wrist and starting to trek forward in the darkness.

She needed to find a safe place for the two of them to lay low for a while before she could track down Ellian once more, this time to seek his help. Years of brainwashed compliance had clouded her judgement, but now it was clear. The Onyx Order was no longer what either of them had grown up in, and they had to be dealt with. For the safety of the kingdom.


Weeks had passed since the incident in Black Opal, and the rogue and wizard were still on the move. Only now had they truly had a chance to stop and rest, finding themselves in a snug little tavern in the city of Blue Lace Quartz. Rayla and Adrien sat in a booth in the furthest corner, the former making sure she had a clear view of all the patrons and the exits. Music and conversations filled the air around them, and the occasional bar maid stopped by to refill their drinks and food.

Adrien scratched Bismuth behind the ear, poking at his plate of food idly with a fork. He still had no idea why his parents were killed, or why this stranger had saved him. He was able to get a minute or two of conversation out of her for a couple of days, but he felt determined to get her to speak more. He just wasn't sure what would work.

"You should eat, little wizard. This may be the last hot meal you get for a while." Rayla glanced over to the boy, noticing he was just playing with his food.

"Not very hungry..." Adrien mumbled, letting his fork clatter on his plate. He looked up at the elven woman, studying her face. "Where did you get that scar?"

"Not hungry for food, but hungry for personal information," Rayla chuckled a little, taking a sip of ale from her flagon. "If you eat, I'll answer questions. How about that?"

Adrien narrowed his eyes at the assassin, reaching for a piece of bread on his plate and reluctantly taking a bite.

"That's a good lad," The elf snickered, setting her flagon down. "Got it from a half orc. He was a little too rowdy in a tavern one night, but I managed to put him in his place."

"By killing him?" Adrien asked, taking another bite of his bread.

"Funny enough I don't kill everyone I come across, kid."

"But you kill people..."

Rayla let out a soft sigh, looking back towards the patrons of the tavern.

"Used to kill people. Now I'm not so sure..."

"Why did you spare me? You and your buddies were after my family... What did we do?" Adrien set his food down, his voice almost cracking. It had been days since he had last asked her that question, hoping this time to get an answer.

"To be honest I don't know what you or your folks did, kid... I was just following orders," The rogue felt a ping of guilt strike her in the heart, the first time she ever felt remorse for doing her job. "Whatever the cause, I just know it was for the wrong reasons."

"I know Papa was mean but... he never got involved with anything bad... I don't understand..." Tears started to well up in the boy's eyes, prompting the rogue to remove her kerchief from her neck and toss it to him.

"Now I can't have you crying, little wizard. You need to be strong." It probably wasn't her best choice of words, but Rayla had never dealt with kids before,

"I'm trying," Adrien sniffled, wiping the tears from his eyes. "I just want to find my sister now... she's all I have left..."

Rayla tensed up, recalling that Sierra was currently in the Order's clutches.

"If we don't find her, is there anyone else, kid? Someone you know outside of Black Opal?"

"Just my big brother Drax... I don't know where he would be though..."

'Well this has been a helpful conversation' Rayla pinched the bridge of her nose in frustration, taking another sip of her ale. Movement at the front door caused the hairs on her neck to stand up, easily recognizing two other Order members walking in. She wasn't sure if news of her betrayal had spread yet, but she didn't want to take any chances.

"Time to go kid," She spoke softly, getting up from the table and keeping her back turned to the doorway as she glanced around for another exit. "Take your food or leave it."

Adrien blinked, but complied with the rogue. He had learned fairly quickly when she said it was time to go, it meant a threat was nearby. He pocketed what food he could as Bismuth jumped onto his shoulders, getting up as well.

"Follow me, and don't look around." Rayla grabbed his wrist and guided toward the back house of the tavern, slipping through the kitchens and out the back door.


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