Chapter 1

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"The beginning is the most important part of the work." –Plato


Lauren practically threw herself down the stairs, narrowly missing Katherine on her way. 'Lauren! Slow down, you're going to hurt someone.' Katherine called as she ran through the first floor hallway towards the next set of stairs.

'Sorry Kath!' She managed to call back. She made it to the ground floor and saw Amy glaring at her. 'I know, I'm sorry.'

'Lauren it's your first day.' Amy scolded. 'You're making me late now too.'

'I'm so sorry.' Lauren was flustered as she looked around for her keys. 'My alarm didn't go off and then I couldn't figure out what to wear.'

'Looking for these?' Lisa asked as she walked into the room dangling Lauren's keys.

'Yes, thanks.' She took them and flung her coat on. 'Okay, let's go.'

'Don't worry Lauren, you're going to be fine.' Lisa called from the doorway. 'You look great!'

'I'll keep an eye on her, make sure she doesn't have a melt down.' Amy assured her.

'Yeah, probably best.' Lisa closed the door behind them and was met by Christina.

'I thought they would have been gone ages ago.' She said.

'Lauren was late.'

'There's a shock.' Christina smiled. 'She's just nervous.'

'Oh, and Dani left for school like two hours ago.' Lisa remembered. 'Any idea why?'

'She has a project, apparently.' Christina said.

'You don't believe her?'

'I know that the boys soccer team practices before school on a Monday.' Christina said.

'Ah, that's right.' Lisa said. 'Where did this thing for soccer players come from?'

'No idea.' Christina said as her phone started ringing. 'It's Noah. Hey.' She said, answering.

'Hey, how are you?'

'I'm good.' Christina said as Lisa left her in private. 'You sound cheerful.'

'What's there not to be cheerful about? I finally cleared my schedule.' He said, pleased with himself. 'Maybe we can talk about that trip again?'

'Noah, I told you. I can't be that far away from my sisters.' She heard him audibly sigh.

'How about a weekend? We wouldn't go far, a few hours drive in the car. And I have a completely free weekend now.' He proposed. 'I'd just really like to spend some time with you away from your sisters and away from the demons.'

'I know. Me too.' Christina rubbed her eyes. 'Let me talk to them about it okay?'

'Alright. Tell me over lunch tomorrow?'

'Sounds good.' Christina smiled.

'Bye Chris.' Noah said before hanging up the phone.


Lauren and Amy walked through the doors to the psychology department of the hospital. They were only ten minutes late thanks to Lauren's speeding. An older, professional looking woman was waiting for them. 'Hi Jenny.' Amy said as they walked over to her.

'You're late.' She said sternly. Lauren was about to open her mouth when Amy cut in.

'Sorry, my fault. Alarm problems.'

'Alright, I'll let you off, this time.' She studied them skeptically but then smiled and turned to Lauren. 'You must be Lauren. Doctor Jennifer Anderson. Pleasure.' She held out her hand which Lauren shook a little too vigourously.

'Nice to meet you, and thank you again for this opportunity.'

'Please, you finished top of your year and practically aced the entry questions.'

'I need to get going. See you at five?' Amy said to her sister.

'Yeah, see you later Aimes.' Lauren smiled as she watched her sister leave the room.

'Shall we.' Jenny motioned for Lauren to follow her through the double doors and down the hall. 'Have you always been interested in clinical psychology?' Jenny asked as she walked Lauren down the corridors.

'No actually, in my second year I made it my major. Something about it just spoke to me.' Lauren said.

'I think you're going to do very well here. Initially you'll be shadowing me, but eventually I'd like you to have sessions with your own patients, write up reports, your own recommendations. You're good on paper, I want to see how good you are in practice.'

'That sounds great.' Lauren said as Jenny ushered her into an office.

'This is my office and it'll be yours as well until the end of your term here. Feel free to make yourself at home.'

'Thank you.' Lauren sat down in one of the guest chairs.

'Coffee?' Jenny asked.

'Please, milk no sugar.' Jenny poured them drinks and sat behind her desk. Lauren couldn't help but notice all of the professional accolades on her wall.

'I do have to warn you that some of our patients can be temperamental, some can be violent.'

'Oh that shouldn't be a problem.' Lauren said and she saw Jenny raise her eyebrow.

'I have five sisters. We've had our share of fights.' Jenny smiled.

'I see. We love Amy around here, she's a great nurse.'

'That she is.' Lauren confirmed.

'Right, let's get started. She handed Lauren a file. 'Mr Terrence O'Mally. Fifty-eight, diagnosed with schizophrenia three years ago. He's been transferred here for counselling and we'd like a fresh pair of eyes.'


Dinner that evening was buzzing with excitement as Lauren told them about her day. 'She's literally won every psychology award out there. I read her books as part of my syllabus.'

'I think Lauren has a crush.' Dani joked.

'It's more than a crush, I'm in love.' Lauren said. 'And she thinks really highly of you Aimes.'

'Good to know.' Amy smiled. 'How was your first patient?'

'It was okay, they guy is a schizophrenic so a little all over the place. I think we got through a bit.'

'That's good.' Amy said. 'And I'm around if you ever want to do lunch.'

'Okay, how does every day sound.' Lauren grinned and Amy threw a bread roll at her.

'Hey!' Katherine said, smiling. 'Stop it, I baked those myself.'

'Sorry Kath.' Amy said, still grinning. 'Was anyone else's day as exciting as Lauren's?' There was silence around the table until Christina put her fork down.

'Not exciting but I do have something I want to run past you.'

'Shoot.' Lisa said.

'Noah want's me to go away with him for a long weekend.'

'When?' Dani asked.

'This Friday.' Christina told them. 'He promised it would only be a few hours away.'

'You deserve a break Chris, why shouldn't you go?' Amy wondered.

'It would be different if you were the only one with an active power, we have more than enough to cover you for a few days.' Katherine smiled.

'Treat yourself.' Lauren said. 'I say go for it.'

'You're sure? All of you?' Christina looked around the table and everyone nodded. 'Okay then.' 

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