Chapter 5

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"There is tremendous trauma in the betrayal caused by a perpetual liar as they repeatedly commit psychological abuse." ― Cathy Burnham Martin


'That's all I've go so far.' Katherine said once she'd recited her spell for the first time. 'Hopefully it'll be enough, combined with the potion, to make the guy in charge reveal himself.'

'But we won't know where he is. It'll just make it really awkward for him if he's in the middle of a business meeting.' Lisa pointed out.

'It could be a woman, we don't know.' Lauren added.

'It might make it too difficult to hide again once we force, whoever it is, out of hiding.' Katherine said.

'Well the potion is ready if you want to try properly Kath.' Dani said.

'Sure.' Katherine came over to the table. 'A drop of blood right?'

'Just one.' Dani assured her. Katherine lent over the bowl and pricked herself with the athame. The blood hit the rest of the mixture and the potion was complete. Katherine picked up her paper and started the spell;

'Demon hiding in plain sight, we won't go down without a fight. Reveal yourself and even the score, hidden you shall be no more.'

'Is anything supposed to happen?' Amy asked.

'I have no idea.' Katherine admitted.

'Say it a few more times just to be sure.' Lisa suggested. Katherine did so.


Noah emerged from the bathroom a little while later. He had regained his composure but Christina could tell something was wrong. 'Are you sure you're okay?' She said, coming over to him. She put her hand on his arm. 'Your boiling.'

'It's nothing.' He assured her.

'We can go home, you seem really sick.'

'I said, it's nothing.' His voice raised, a tone Christina wasn't used to hearing come out of his mouth. He saw his mistake and tried to rectify it. 'I'm sorry, I think I just need a good nights sleep.' Suddenly, Katherine's chanting rung loud in his mind and he let out a scream.

'Noah!' Christina went back over to him but he raised his head, eyes glowing with fire. 'No....' Christina whispered, stepping backwards. He gave in to the spell and let his true form take over. Fire eyes and flaming shoulders completed the look. Christina kept stepping back towards the windows.

'I really did want to have a nice weekend.' Noah said, his voice deeper and rougher than before.

'Noah, what's going on?' Christina tried to keep her voice steady.

'I think it's pretty obvious.' He motioned to the flames coming from his body.

'You're a... a....'

'A demon.' Noah finished for her.

'No you can't be, we....'

'Christina. I know this is hard for your little white witch brain. I am a demon. You've broken your own rule. Get over it.' Christina swallowed, a tear falling from her eye. 'If it's any consolation, I really did like you. And if this prophecy hadn't worked out I probably would have asked you to marry me.'

'Why...' Christina's voice caught in her throat. 'Why bother, you're a demon. Why not kill me right at the start?'

'I wasn't always Noah at the start.'

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