Chapter 4

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"Oh, what a tangled web we weave...when first we practice to deceive."― Walter Scott


Christina had her bag ready to go and by the door. She was waiting for Noah to pick her up. Katherine and Lisa were there to see her off. 'Is she still mad?' Christina asked.

'I think her absence suggests she is.' Lisa said as Amy came round the corner.

'Do you know where you're going?' Amy asked, sitting on the bottom step with Katherine.

'No, he want's it to be a surprise, but he's promised it's close.' Christina assured them.

'We'll try not to call you. Just have a nice time with Noah.' Lisa said.

'I'll definitely try.' Christina said just as there was a knock at the door. Christina opened it and saw a smiling Noah on the other side.

'Hey you.' He said, leaning over to kiss her.

'Get a room.' Lisa yelled as they separated.

'We've got one.' Noah grinned.

'Ew, ew, ew.' Lisa stood up. 'Have a great time.' She yelled over her shoulder as she walked away.

'Have her back by Sunday.' Katherine said like an overprotective parent.

'Yes ma'am.' Noah nodded. 'Let me put this in the car.' He picked Christina's bag off of the floor.

'Be there in a sec.' Christina called after him before turning back to her sisters. 'Remember...'

'Call you if we need you, we know.' Amy said. 'Go, have fun.'

'See you Sunday.' Christina said as she left the house, closing the door behind her. She made it to the car as Noah was staring the engine. She sat in the passengers seat beside him.

'Did I come at a bad time, you didn't have the full gang seeing you off?'

'Just an.... issue, Lauren and I are having.' Christina assured him.

'Anything I can do to help?'

'You're sweet.' Christina took his hand. 'But it'll be okay, it always is.'

'Right, let's get this show on the road then. Are you ready for the best weekend of your life?'

'That's a big statement.' Christina said.

'I'm a big statement kind of guy.'

'Just drive the car.' Christina smacked him playfully and they set off on their journey.


'What do we do now?' Amy asked as they sat in the living room, still missing Dani and Lauren.

'Wait for Chris to come back, or for another demon to attack.' Katherine said.

'Great.' Lisa sighed. 'I feel like we should be being more proactive than this. Can't we research prophecies, try and find some loopholes?'

'As far as I know every prophecy since the beginning of time has come true. I think that's why Christina was so adamant to decide how to finish it.' Katherine said.

'Way to ruin the mood Kath.' Dani said as she slumped down beside Amy. Lauren was trailing close behind her.

'Is she gone?' Lauren asked, sitting on the arm of Lisa's chair.

'She's gone.' Lisa confirmed.

'We can't let her kill herself.' Lauren reiterated.

'I know, we won't.' Katherine assured her.

'I have an idea.' Amy said suddenly.

'That we get really drunk and forget we're witches for a day?' Lisa asked. They all gave her stern looks as she shrunk back into her seat. 'Just a thought.'

'We need to know who the leader of these demons is. Can't we write an unmasking spell?' Amy suggested.

'It might work. If the demon looks like a human, we could write a spell to force him to reveal his true identity.' Katherine agreed.

'Good idea Aimes, far better than mine.' Lisa said.

'I'll look in the book. Dani, Lauren can you set the attic up. It might take a while to write.' Katherine said.

'Sure, come on Dan.' Lauren slid off the arm of the chair and they went back upstairs.


Christina and Noah arrived at a small bed and breakfast off the beaten track about three hours outside of the city. It was surrounded by trees and plants. 'It looks like something from a fairytale.' Christina noted.

'I'll take that as a good sign.' Noah parked the car. 'There's a spa, and a nice restaurant and lots of walking trails.'

'It's perfect.' Christina lent over and kissed him.

'Come on.' He said, getting out of the car excitedly. The reception was just as dream-like. Bright colours and plants everywhere. There was one smiling woman behind the desk who greeted them.

'Well aren't you a handsome couple.' The receptionist noted.

'Thanks.' Noah accepted the compliment for both of them once he saw Christina blushing.

'Here you go.' She handed him a set of keys. 'Room four is just down that hallway there, all the way to the end. The restaurant opens at five and your first spa treatment is on us.'

'Thank you.' Christina said as Noah picked up their bags. They started walking down the hallway and opened the door to room four. It was huge, with a four poster bed and a big set of double doors leading down to the woods and a large lake. 'This is really nice.' Christina said. Noah put the bags down and grabbed his stomach. Christina noticed and turned to him. 'You okay?'

'Yeah, must have been something I ate for breakfast.' He smiled to reassure her. 'I'm going to use the bathroom.'

'Okay, take your time, I'll start unpacking.' Christina said as he closed the door. Christina took the bags over to the bed and let out a long breath. It was so quiet.


Noah was standing in the bathroom leaning on the sink. 'Not now.' He whispered to himself. 'Come on, get it together.' He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He was sweating now and the pain in his stomach was getting worse. 'Focus.' He said, breathing calmly. But it was no use. He opened his eyes and they lit up with fire. 'Damn it!' He growled. 'Stupid witches!' He keeled over and tried to quietly suppress the pain.

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