Chapter 12

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"The truth is, unless you let go, unless you forgive yourself, unless you forgive the situation, unless you realize that the situation is over, you cannot move forward." – Steve Maraboli


'I have a headache.' Lauren said as she rested her head on the kitchen counter.

'Here.' Amy slid her a glass of water and some tablets. 'Take these.' She handed Christina the same. 'You too.'

'Thanks Aimes.' Christina smiled and took the medication.

'You both look really pale.' Dani said. 'And that's something coming from me.'

'Thanks.' Lauren grumbled, her head still not lifted from the table.

'Was it weird, being dead?' Lisa asked.

'It was different from last time.' Christina said.

'How do you mean?' Katherine asked.

'Last time I saw mum, I went somewhere. This was just darkness.' Christina said.

'Yeah, darkness for me too.' Lauren confirmed. 'I don't want to do that again.'

'And Chris, if it's any consolation, Lucifer seemed really upset when he found out that you'd died.' Lisa said.

'He didn't even put up a fight when we vanquished him.' Amy added.

'I appreciate you telling me but it doesn't change the fact that I got an innocent man killed.' Christina sighed, rubbing her eyes.

'I think he loved you Chris, in his own demon way.' Amy said. 'I definitely felt love coming from him.'

'Again, that doesn't fill me with comfort.' Christina sighed. The phone started ringing and Amy answered it. She had a brief conversation before handing it to Lauren.

'Doctor Anderson.' Amy said. Lauren took the phone and smiled, her headache forgotten.

'Hi Doctor Anderson.' She said as they listened in. 'Yes I'd be happy to.' She tried to hide her excitement. 'Thank you.... Yes I'll do that...... Okay, see you tomorrow.' She hung up the phone and got up from her seat, bouncing on the spot.

'I thought you had a headache.' Katherine reminded her.

'I'm too excited to worry about a headache.' Lauren grinned.

'Well, what was that all about?' Dani asked.

'She wants me to do a solo interview next week.' Lauren said.

'That's amazing.' Amy smiled.

'You've only been there for a week!' Lisa said. 'Now they want to leave some poor soul in your hands alone.' Lauren playfully punched her.

'I'm too excited to take offence by that. And they won't be alone, she'll be observing the entire time.' She grinned. But her excitement was short lived as the all too familiar faces of Jim and Mollie appeared in the middle of their kitchen. 'And I'm not bouncy any more.' Lauren said, sitting back down.

'Cimorelli's.' Jim nodded at them.

'Hello girls.' Mollie said far more politely. Christina was keeping her head down, praying they'd forgotten about the last year of her life.

'We just wanted to say, job well done.' Jim said, actually cracking a smile.

'Wait, what?' Dani said, letting out a breath. She was ready to argue.

'Great work, stopping the prophecy.' Mollie reiterated.

'Hang on a minute.' Lisa stood. 'Who are you and what have you done with Jim and Mollie?'

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