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Marmalade Bitz-Appeared in Cirque De Fiction's Baldy and his Weirdo

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Marmalade Bitz
-Appeared in Cirque De Fiction's Baldy and his Weirdo.

A Dragamajig, draconic cousin of Rayman's species' from Olympus Maximus. Gets blasted into the One Punch Man world from the spell of a Dark Teensie during the invasion of her home by the Darkness. Marmalade works as Saitama's restraint trainer to help him manage his godlike strength withold oneshotting every opponent he fights.

Her special power is Equalizer where anyone around her in radius will be equal to her in every term except for strategy and knowledge- Fair fight rules! She can also shift into her Dragon form at will which she often uses to give her friends a ride or pluck a certain blonde cyborg off the ground if he continues to be dense about her very noticable feelings.

Constantly flirts with Genos, hates large chested women due to constant mocking of her being flat and is EXTREMELY blunt.

Constantly flirts with Genos, hates large chested women due to constant mocking of her being flat and is EXTREMELY blunt

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Dangerous Frightfur Jack-a-hog

Fusion of Edge Imp Frightfuloid+ Sonic The Hedgehog (or any Beast type monster)

An Exo-Fusion created from Edge Imp Frightfuloid floods the blue blur's body with its demonic power. Jack-a-Hog's body is the pure manifestation of Sonic's negative emotions taken form. Despite his vicious form, Jack-A-Hog does show care to his friends but upon enemies to even complete strangers, Jack-A-Hog won't hesitate to maul a potential threat to pieces.

His real head is actually a Jack-In-A-Box located deep in hid stomach and is his only weak spot for any other attack will do nothing but enrage Jack-A-Hog.

Signature Attack is Baleful Bellow which Jack-A-Hog let loose large cyclones of wind from the mouths all over his body.

Card Effect- Opponent cannot activate any card effects when this card battles. When it destroys a monster by battle, add one Jack Counter to this card. Can't be destroyed if this card has a Jack Counter. Remove 5 Jack Counters to destroy all your opponents card on the field. Atk: 2750 Def: 2000 Level 7 Wind Fiend Monster

 Atk: 2750 Def: 2000 Level 7 Wind Fiend Monster

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'Wrath of the Eclipse Goddesses'

A young woman from the Metro Kingdom and foster sister of the Mastiff Bros. A member of the Eclipse clan, those who could use both Firebrand and Lightningbrand arts, and Leader of Team Starshot Xerxes is a very 'passionate' woman. Her emotions like rage and excitement are greatly amplified than the average person that she needs special hair rings to control the flow of her elemental powers.

Her emotions can manifest into pure fire and lightning through her hair at their strongest so when flames or lightning burst from behind her in an odd pattern, that's her special accessories at work so you best not be the poor sap behind her.

She is very terrifying when angered that even demons cower in terror before her wrath (why the Mastiff Brothers avoid getting themselves into terrible situations when she's around).

Xerxes is a type of human called Jumpmen or Jumpers, who are known for their incredible leg strength. She mainly uses her prized twin hammers Pyre and Thunderstruck in battle but loves to do Bros Attacks when teamed up with a partner.

She loves sweets and is a very affectionate person. Xerxes tends to hangout with her pets Caesar Blockhound Brooche and Ancient Blockvern La Roc.

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