Weird and Wild

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Taki-Taki Bandicoot, adopted daughter of Crash Bandicoot and witch doctor contracted to the Quantum Mask Lani-Loli

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Taki-Taki Bandicoot, adopted daughter of Crash Bandicoot and witch doctor contracted to the Quantum Mask Lani-Loli. A very mischievous young lady with a love for adventures, daredevil stunts and her crazy family of mutants and masks. Her name stems from the Taki snack chips that belonged to Crash which she got into as a baby.

She met Lani-Loli as a little girl and the two had a sibling relationship since then. Other than her moveset that she inherited from Crash such as his Spin Attack, Death Tornado or Wall Climb, Taki can call upon powerful Titans to aid her in battle alongside some magical concoctions. If things get rough, then her Beast Out magic grants her a non-human form depending upon what which ally she calls on.

A general smartass that cheers on Lani-Loli when he's at his lowest as the mask grants her guidance when she's lost on what to do.

Xerxes(revised), or by her stage name Xiomara Rosario, is a plumber of Metro Kingdom's New Donk City by day and a superstar performer on her free days

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Xerxes(revised), or by her stage name Xiomara Rosario, is a plumber of Metro Kingdom's New Donk City by day and a superstar performer on her free days. She is a Thesbian, a type of human naturally born to entertain others in some form of entertainment.

Xerxes is an acrobat or 'Jumpman' Thesbian, which means her jumps and athletic abilities surpasses any Olympic Gymnast. Due to her slightly low voice and her biology practically concealing her breasts, she is mistaken for a man very often.

The braces on her hair keeps her immense elemental energy from blasting out in a explosion of fire and lightning should she loose her temper. Instead they blast as long jets that often used to deter any person daring to pick a fight. Taking a page from the Mario Brothers, her main weapon is a hammer and Xerxes make sure to keep some spare overalls in case of a messy situation.

 Taking a page from the Mario Brothers, her main weapon is a hammer and Xerxes make sure to keep some spare overalls in case of a messy situation

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Of course, Xerxes doesn't always perform alone. She has tons of friends to join in on the fun, mainly her lovely assistant Luma Starlit and her beloved Blockhound Patches. Starlit is an ancient Luma that was entrusted to the ancestors of Xerxes, the Eclipse Clan. Unlike many Luma, Starlit prefers a life that doesn't end in becoming a celestial satellite forever but enjoying all the wonders life has to give.

Should Xerxes need it, the Luma can become a Launch Star and get the plumber soaring to her next destination. If it revolves a different world, then Starlit can become a Grand Launch Star capable of the task if given a Grand Star Candy.

As for Patches, he is Xerxes' loyal companion ever since he was a puppy. His breed is a Patchwork Corridor, a type of Blockhound made with many types of blocks than just one. Thanks to bizarre make up and special ability to transform into items, Patches can transform into an assortment of unique equipment. A hammer that can shred targets, flamethrower that freezes instead of burn and even a vacuum capable of digging are just some of tools of the trade.

Even a simple ride on the 10 ft dog's back will make Patches very happy knowing he can help his kind owner or her friends whenever needed.

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