Part 5. Letters. {Jean's POV}

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I must've over slept the next morning because I was woken up by Hanji. God, Nothing could be more annoying than that. She had small pots and was banging them to together, and the thing that made it worse was Professer Levi was there too. Nothing could be better. The only thing that was good about that half was having Levi throw the pots out the window. "Morning Mr. Sleepy head~" Hanji purred. I groaned and brought up a fist to rub my eye. "What time is it?" I asked. Levi closed the window. "9:30" He said then held up a folder that read both mine and Marco's names on the front. He held it out infront of me and I reached out and took it from him. "What's this?" I asked putting the folder in my lap. Hanji sat in the chair next to me. "It's some school work things and get better cards!" She said cheerfully. "Really?" I said and opened it and nearly went blind from all the colours I saw. Bright colours too. But, I couldn't help but smile. All of our class members had made cards for Marco, Hanji was watching out for us and brought us some school work. I closed the folder and turned to her. "Thank you" I said and she smiled at me giving me the Your very welcome Mr. Jean look. Then Levi pipped in. "I don't mean to be rude but we can't stay. We have a meeting to go to in 20 minutes." He said leaning up against the frame of the door. Hanji's smile didn't fade as much as mine did. "Sorry Jean. We didn't know until the last minute" "NO! It's fine. Thank you, Both of you. For just bringing us this. It means alot. And if Marco were awake he'd say the same thing." I said cheerfully. She smiled brighter and got up. "See-ya" She said and I waved the two good-bye.

I then ravigded through the cards and notes as fast as I could. I read a few of my favorite ones outload hoping Marco would hear. I hope he was because people wrote really nice things to him. The one that surprised me was Connie's long ass letter to Marco that i clearly read outload. It was about how things were at school and how much the class misses us. It also read something about the art club starting up and how much fun it would be if Marco were there. Marco really did like art. It's a shame he couldn't be there. I then read Sasha's letter which wasn't as long as Connie's but still, When did they have the time to write these. My eyes then stumbled across a white lined paper that said Eren on it. I picked it up and read it to myself. This what it said.

"Hey guys, We all miss you and wish you get back soon. The art club started and most of us in the class desided to enter to honor Marco. We hope he gets better. Stay strong guys. Eren."

It was from Jaeger but it made me smile. It was nice to know that even our classmates were looking out for us. Or Marco. I put all the cards on the table and put the folder that was now full of school stuff into my bag.

After i read the rest of the letters and read some to Marco I sat back and thought about my day. Reading all the beautiful letters from our friends at school was most defenetly the high-light. Getting woken up by Hanji was not one of my better time though. I gave out a low sigh and pulled off my hoodie, folded it and placed it gently in my bag. I then thought about how the scene would've played out if Marco were awake. I chuckled imaiging Hanji waking both of us up. How Marco hated those loud noises. How much he'd probably freak out. It made me not only chuckle but it made me burst out into laughter. "Oh Marco, I wish you were here Man. I wouldn't be the only one laughing." I said mid tears of laughter. I wiped my eyes and gave out a last chuckle. "Get better Marco. Your making alot of people worry" I said again and leaned back and looked out the window watching the sun go down.

God, how I wished Marco was awake to see this. A perfect veiw of the sunset. It was always his high-light of the day. I smiled and closed my eyes. I was going to sleep well that night. And...

I did.

Waking up. Jeanmarco FanficWhere stories live. Discover now