Part 1. After {Jean's POV}

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Its been, three weeks since my bestfriend Marco fell into a coma. And since that time I've been here. In the hospital room. By his side. I guess i can say that i couldn't leave his side even if i tried. Marco and I got through only two weeks of our freshman year in highschool before Marco and Armin were in a car accident. I didn't blame Armin at all. It was't his fault. From what I've heard Marco was in the passenger seat and they were hit from the right side by a drunk driver. I blamed him. Not Armin and Not. Marco. Armin got out of the hospital a couple days ago and told me not to worry to much. Who was i kidding. I was scared out of my skull!! I very much wanted Marco to wake up, but deep down inside me...I knew it would be a long time until he would.

The late evening of the fourth weekend Sasha and Connie came to visit. "Hey Jean" Sasha said from the door. Her sudden voice made me jump. I swung around to see her and Connie smiling at me. "H-Hey guys." I stampered. They stepped into the room and Connie slowly closed the door behind him. "How's Marco?" Connie asked placing two cards on the coffee table next to Marco's bed. I sighed and looked at the floor. "I think you know the anwser to that already." I said, the sadness in my voice gave them the hint. Sasha and Connie were some of the only other people Marco and i hung out with. They were better friends then ones I'd had in Middle school. Sasha sat down next to me. 'I hope he wakes up. I can't stand this anymore!" She groaned. I looked over at her and saw the tears welling up in her eyes. I sighed and both Connie and I nodded in agreement. "Get better Marco. There are people here that need you." I thought, the tears now welling up in my eyes. "I need you..."

Waking up. Jeanmarco FanficWhere stories live. Discover now