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(This is the day he gets attacked by the sludge villian. Yes, he does know what his quirk is. No, his mother never came back but Deku got a job and gets local meat from butchers. No, katsuki isn't mean to him in this au.)

~Deku's POV~

I shot up from my bed as I remembered the day she left and never came back. I looked at my alarm and sighed, it was only 2 am. I then remembered the lullaby she used to sing to me. It just has to get me back to sleep, I thought.


Shadows all around you as you surface from the dark
Emerging from the gentle grip of night's unfolding arms
Darkness, darkness everywhere, do you feel all alone?
The subtle grace of gravity, the heavy weight of stone

You don't see what you possess, a beauty calm and clear
It floods the sky and blurs the darkness like a chandelier
All the light that you possess is skewed by lakes and seas
The shattered surface, so imperfect, is all that you believe

I will bring a mirror, so silver, so exact
So precise and so pristine, a perfect pane of glass
I will set the mirror up to face the blackened sky
So you can see your beauty every moment that you rise

Izuku sighed as he slowly drifted back to sleep.

~iN tHe MoRnInG~

Izuku woke back up from his sleep, after he sang the lullaby he slept like a dead man. Izuku then proceeded to laugh at his dark humor, (you know like a loser) he got up to start his day. He had to get ready so he was ready to go when Kacchan got here. Izuku sat up and walked over to the mirror, he saw his reflection everyday but it always surprised him. He had pointy elf like ears, and very sharp teeth (used for his meat eating diet), his hair had darkened to a dark forest green instead of his childhood emerald green. His eyes also lost their certain sparkle, they were the same color as his hair. The most noticeable feature that he had after officially gaining his quirk, was the four prominent horns on his head and his long tail. His front pair of horns went back to a point and his back pair curled around his ears. His tail was a surprisingly not his skin color, it was a greener shade with a large puff of dark forest green fur on the end. He had learned to fix his clothes to suit his tail and how to slip a shirt on, over his horns.

He finally finished brushing his teeth, to get a of the red meat blood off of them. The meat he got had to have just a little bit of blood in it. The butchers made sure to give him the juiciest pieces. The butchers were his best friends in this city, they gave him free red meat. Some of the shadier butchers even gave Izuku his much needed human meat. He didn't like to talk about his love of the flesh, how raw was his favorite way to eat it. He always blamed it on his quirk, but sometimes he would catch himself slipping and thinking about the flavor and the blood.

He rushed out of the house and locked the door and almost ran into Kacchan. "Ah, sorry Kacchan. I really didnt see you this time." Izuku mumbled. "You know it's okay nerd. I really don't mind." Katsuki mumbled back to him. Izuku's ears swiveled as he grabbed Katsuki's wrist and ran for school. They rushed in just in time for the class for start. Izuku caught some muttering of how he had such a villianous quirk and how he couldn't be a hero. He ignored it while Katsuki yelled at them for being idiot's. The teacher came in a threw some papers around and pointed out that Izuku and Katsuki wanted to get into U.A. Izuku blushed a light green, only from embarrassment though. Katsuki yelled about something and school was over sooner then Izuku thought.

~tHe TuNnEl~

Izuku and Katauki were walking home, they have to cross through a tunnel to get to their houses. Katsuki was in front of Izuku, then Izuku felt something wrap around him. He screamed out for Katsuki before his mouth was covered by the sludge. Katsuki turned around to see his friend being suffocated by a villian. He shot forward with his quirk and blasted the villian, he attacked again. Izuku seeing how this was getting nowhere, rammed his front horns into the villian trying to poke a eye. Katsuki saw this and pointed a explosion at the villians eyes, this made the villian let go of Izuku. Izuku fell to the ground but immediately got back up. Izuku growled and lunged to bit through the muk. But Izuku bit something solid, like bone. Izuku shook his head like a rabid dog and pulled back while Katsuki shot another explosion.

Then Allmight decided to appear and help out. He congratulated the two boys, but warned them it was quite dangerous. Katsuki did not like this and verbally exploded at Allmight, telling him the villian almost killed Deku. Allmight chuckled nervously before signing Katsuki's notebook and asking if Izuku would want a signature. Izuku shook his head no which surprised Allmight, "I want my first hero signature to be by Present mic."

He said calmly. "Oh yeah, you like Present mic more. I think you have always wanted to be like him!" Kacchan said. Izuku blushed a bright green. "K-Kacchan! I said not to talk about my f-fanboy tendencies for P-Present mic!" Izuku stuttered out. This was the side that only Katsuki got to see. "Oh yeah, you talk about him so much. Saying I'm gonna be like Present mic! Present mic this, Present mic that!" Katsuki mocked. Izuku was now a green bean.

Izuku hit katsuki over the head which started a little brawl between them. "WE DONT TALK ABOUT PRESENT MIC LIKE THAT!" Iuku yelled. "OH, PRESENT MIC. IZUKU LOVES PRESENT MIC, HE LISTENS TO HIS RADIO SHOW EVERYDAY. HE LOVES HIM!" Katsuki yelled back. Izuku threw Katsuki to the ground both of them forgetting Allmight was watching them. Izuku patted his elbow then jumped on Katsuki, then he body slammed Katsuki. "I WIN!!" Izuku yelled as he picked up Katsuki's "dead" body. Izuku carried his body like a sack of potatoes and ran home.

To say Allmight was confused was an understatement, he was shocked and a little scared. Not of the fanboys words but of his moves. Allmight had to tell this to Hizashi, he snickered.

Allmight called up Hizashi and he picked it up quite quickly.

Am- hey I got something funny for you.
PM- what?
Am- I tracked down a villian and I met two kids that were fighting it, for self defense. And I offered this kid a signature and he said no. I was quite confused but when I asked he said he wanted his first hero signature to be from you.
Am- yes, then the other kid started mocking him for his fanboyness over you. So they started to brawl and the green kid won and just took the defeated kid and ran.
Am- no I didnt

-Call has ended with Present Mix Tape-

Edited: April 29, 2020

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