~?aNgEr RiSiNg?~

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I wake up cuddled into the body of my new dad or Aizawa, so he did stay here with me. I unravel my arms from him and slowly sit up, I yawn and rub at my eyes before waking up dad. It takes awhile but he wakes up and leaves my room to let me get dressed for the day.

I go to my dresser and pull out a short sleeved shirt and jeans, thats when i noice the black on my hands has found its way to my arms. Its covered my arms and has now stopped at my shoulders, i run downstairs where dad and papa are talking. "i-i...my arms?!" i sob as i show them, they are shocked and ask me questions. They tell me not to mind it and that if it doesnt hurt then we dont have to worry. I nod my head and they give me some regular meat, i eat it quickly and go to brush my teeth.

I come back downstairs and sit on the couch next to papa, who is currently flipping through the channels. I dont pay attention to them because I know there is atleast one news channel about the woman death. I glance up and catch a glance of the womans body, I shake and curl into papas body. He runs his hand over my back, making circles that calm me down. I soon forget about seding the womans body and focus on today's events.

I nuzzled my head into his shoulder as dad sits on the other side of me and wraps a arm around me. I barely lifted my head to see dad giving me a small glance. I playfully stick my tongue out at him and he does a fake dramatic gasp in return. I laugh as a small smile lays itself upon dads lips, I never have gotten to see dad smile so this is brand new and a nice experience to have.

I guess I was still tired because I ended up falling back asleep in papas arms as he and dad watched tv.

It was probably noon when i woke up again, they were both up and I was laid out on the couch. I sigh as i sit up and rub my eyes, the tiredness seemingly vanishes from them. "Hey sport, you good?" Dad says as i look over at him, hes drinking another cup of coffee. I silently nod and watch as he goes back into the kitchen, he comes back out with a plate of meat. He hands me the meat and I silently thank him as I begin to chow down.

It's never hurt to have a late lunch before, I mean I can always sleep it off. Sleeping will never bother me, I mean how can it? I slightly jump as a hand is placed on my shoulder, I look over and see a smiling papa. "Hey little listener, its sho's birthday in a few days. I was thinking we can get out of the house and buy him a present?" "Y-you mean d-dads birthday is soon?" I can see a small sparkle in his eyes as I said that.

"Yeah, you wanna go and buy a present for him that morning when hes still asleep?" I give a wide smile and nod my head as I begin to think of all the things I could get dad. He probably doesnt want something big, "what does dad even like besides cats and coffee?" Papa snorts as I ask but he regains his composure quickly.

"He likes the color yellow, he likes cats, coffee, sleep, hmmmm that's about it little listener." I pout "that's not alot of things!" I whisper shout in anger, "what can I get him if he only likes four things!" I whisper shout once more as papa is silently wheezing on the floor. "Papa this is no time for games, this is serious! I need to know what he likes!" I pout as papa only begins to laugh more and louder.

I stand up and make my way to where I last saw dad, which was behind me when he came out of the kitchen. So he must be in the kitchen! I tiptoe into the kitchen and find him petting a fat grey kitty and sipping some coffee. 'Oh my god, he really does only like coffee and cats!' I mentally scream at myself.

I walk fully in and up to him, he gives me a small glance down but continues drinking his coffee. "Papa is dying" I simply state as laughter and wheezing can be heard in the living room. Dad only raises a eyebrow and continues sipping his coffee before finally putting it down and walking to tree he living room.

I silently follow behind him as he kicks papa a few times before he uses his quirk to make papa get up in fear. He quickly scrambles to his feet as a few more chuckles come out of him. I giggle as he tries to catch his breath, papa only gives me a mocking death glare that you would find on dad if the class was misbehaving.

"Can kachan come over, papa, dad? Please?" I said with big puppy eyes, they looked stunned but allowed me to call him over. I smiled and thanked them before rushing back upstairs to get my phone and call him. I quickly snatched my phone and dialed his number, he picked up immediately.

"Hey ka-" "Babe did you see the news! That poor woman, I was so scared, what if you were out last night?" I silently teared up but wiped them away with my shoulder. "U-uh yeah, I was at home but um, can you maybe come over?" "Of course!" "Oh but I live somewhere else now, I have a nice family too!"

"Really that's so nice! What are they're names!?" "You'll see when you get here!" I quickly rush downstairs and ask for the address, I give it to kachan and he says he'll be over in a minute. "So I'm dad?" I jump alittle but turn around, "y-yes, if you dont mind me calling you that! See I never had a dad, and now I have two so I cant both call you dad!" I stutter out at a thousand miles a minute.

"Slow down kiddo, I was only joking. You can call me whatever you like, we love being your new dads!" Dad said as a genuine large smile formed it's way over his face as papas face did the same. I couldn't help but to smile wide and hug him, he chuckled and ran a hand through my hair before patting me on the back. I knew he was silently telling me to get ready for kachan to be over, so I ran to my room and fixed myself up.

Edited: April 29, 2020

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