Chapter 3 Shaolin Monks

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The scene cuts to the Wu Shi Academy. (name), Liu Kang and Kung Lao have walked through the massive gateway and are heading down a path to the Academy itself

"I die at the hands of Quan Chi? You in a cathedral to Kitana? Our future, Liu Kang... it is insane!" Lung Lao exclaims "Obsessing over it will not change it" Liu Kang replied "Neither will accepting our destiny as evil undead warlords" "I'm not. But we can't change a future we don't fully understand. Lord Raiden will guide us" "Can we trust him? It appears he got us both killed"  

"if it's any consolation for you, Lao, I died before either of you" both of the monks look at the warrior with worry in there eyes "that does not make anything better, Lady (name), if anything it is the most concerning. How are you alright with the fact that you died before our eyes" Liu Kang asked making the three of them stop "I'm not alright with it. I never was I just....never mind it was a stupid comment" Kung Lao looked hard at her "you've changed" both Liu Kang ad (name) look at him "well of course I changed I'm 28 now-" "no you've changed in he way you respond to us and how you act" Liu Kang nods in agreement "is it because we are revenants in this era? are you uncomfortable with our presence?" (name) looks between the two men she held to her heart for what seemed so long ago with many emotions swimming in her eyes. happiness, sadness, regret, relief, rage, fury and love. she sighs.  

"to be honest in a way you standing here beside me it's unnerving for me. After I heard how both of you had died I was distraught, absolutely gutted, but I didn't have much time to grieve I had a realm to take care of even afterwards I found out I had a daughter so I had to find time to grieve and pay respects to your shrines but it still hurts me even now knowing I did practically nothing to stop your demises and when I saw your revenant forms it was haunting to say the least. I mean after everything I've been through, gods, demons and watching my loved ones die, you'd think seeing you both wouldn't faze me at all that I'd be used to it but no I can't say that I'm fully alright with you both being alive right now but I can say that I'm more relived than anything about having you both back"  

The two men look at her with much concern until Kung Lao smiled and placed a hand on her head rubbing it with affection "it seems as though I am wrong Lady (name). the you from our time is still in there" (name) goes to say something, but glances behind Liu Kang and Kung Lao instead, towards the staircase leading to the Academy that they have reached. Halfway up the stairs, the bloody remains of a slain monk can be seen. (name), Kang and Lao all ascend the staircase to the corpse. As they take the grisly sight in, they look forward and proceed through the broken open doors of the Academy itself. The courtyard of the Academy presents an even more disturbing visual; dozens of monks lie dead on the ground.  

"So many Shaolin... They died defending our sacred ground. The Netherrealm will pay!" Liu Kang growled   The scene cuts to inside the Academy itself. The trio have reached an underground corridor with only minor debris being any indication of intruders. Before them is a circular shaped entrance, with three large swinging axes - wide enough to cover the whole entrance - slicing back and forth. (name), Kang and Lao pause in their tracks to examine the deadly obstacle.  

"Whoever came here knew how to disarm these traps" Liu Kang states "Do you know how? The monks never taught me" Lao asked making Liu Kang smirk "More likely you did not attend class. Watch for the pattern... and pick your moment" Liu Kang breaks into a run and dives straight into a gap left between the swinging axes. He clears them in the nick of time and rolls to his feet on the other side, glancing back with a smile to (name), who whistled "Impressive, Liu, my turn" she says before fire engulfs her surprising both of the men before it disperses leaving nothing there. Not a second later did a column of flames appear next to Liu Kang before disappearing revealing (name) smirking Liu Kangs jaw hung open "not bad for a pyromancer huh?" she said closing his jaw then turned to Kung Lao "think you can do better?" she asked smiling.  

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