Chapter 5: Truths Revealed

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The scene cuts to the command centre. Cassie is with (name), Hanzo and Sonya at a desk "are you sure you don't want to stay? we can protect Calithea for you" Cassie says looking to (name) "I'm sure, Cassie, besides I need to be there for Kotal Kahn and his army" She looked to Hanzo "Hanzo if it's not too much trouble would you mind-" "I would be honored to look after her" he said as he too Calithea from (name) "Daddy are we going to the garden again?" she asked making him smile "yes,little one, we are. now say good bye" Calithea waved good bye "bye Cassie! Bye aunty Sonya" (name), Cassie and Sonyas heart broke a little as it was obvious that she didn't realize her Aunty Sonya was dead.  

(name) walked with Hanzo to the portal leading to the fire gardens Calithea fell asleep already due to the warmth comming from Hanzo. (name) placed a hand on her daughters cheek "keep her safe Hanzo please. I can't lose her" she said reflecting on her memories with Mileena only to be brought out of it by Hanzo holding her hand "I will gaurd her with my life. I swear to you no harm will come to her" (name) placed her hand on his cheek "thank you Hanzo" she debated for a moment before quickly kissing his cheek then dissapearing into fire leaving the Grandmaster in a dazed state before smiling and finally walking into the portal cradeling the child of the woman he loves.  

The scene cuts to Outworld, inside a beautiful temple garden. Luscious plants surround the walls, while patches of mildew adorn the marble steps. A waterfall flows into a nearby fountain, and standing on the steps are Raiden, Jade, and Kotal Kahn.  

A column of fire appears before disappearing revealing (name) "my Kahn I have returned" she said bowing then walking to the group "the child is safe?" he asked "she's with Master Hasashi I mean scorpion" "Very good" Kotal Kahn turns to Raiden.  

"The Tarkatans, long extinct, have also returned" he says "Shao Kahn will seek them out. He relies on their power" Raiden replies "Kotal's scouts tracked a Tarkatan war party to the Kytinn's Lost Hive, D'Vorah's ancestral home. Her hand in Shao Kahn's escape makes that our starting point" Jade informs "Please advise me of what you learn. I must consult with the Elder Gods" Raiden says then he lifts his hand into the air and teleports away with a flash of lightning.  

As Raiden exits, Kitana walks down the steps of the temple "When do we leave?" Kitana asks "Your duty lies elsewhere, Princess. I need you to enlist Queen Sheeva. Her support is critical, against both Kronika and Shao Kahn" Kotal Kahn replies Kitana seems none too happy at being ordered around "Surely you can--" "--Queen Sheeva does not trust me. No Shokan has since my bloody battle with Goro" Kotal Kahn interrupted Kitana "Sheeva's always respected your opinion more than anyone's. When she hears you support Kotal, she'll join us" Jade intergects. Kitana narrows her eyes at her friend's words, but seemingly takes the advice in. She turns to Kotal "If that is my duty, so be it" "Thank you, Princess" Kotal Kahn says as he walks up the steps  

(name) follows after Kotal Kahn. he notices the look of worry in her eyes and stops "what ails you, my friend?" he asks surprising (name) "It's...nothing" he turns to face her "as your Kahn I expect you to answer me without hesitation" (name) hesitates and sighs "it's just I had a thought. D'vorah was the adviser of Mileena and would have known about Calithea during the time of her making but judging by the time of how long it would have taken to start the project and when you claimed the throne she would have know where Calithea was" (name) looked Kotal Kahn in his eyes with fear in her own "If she told Shao Kahn of her existance-" "then Shao Kahn would be after both you and your daughter" Kotal Kahn says in shock realizing that his adviser and her child are in danger. (name) clenches her fist as they glow "if he tries to take her away from me I'll burn his body to ash" Kotal Kahn nods at this promise.  

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