Chapter 2

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A/N: hi me and my best friend kennithsmom headcanon that y/n is the height to when she bumps into junko she just faceplants into her boob, or as she said-

"get put in the enoshima boob"

okay that's done go read the chapter you clown 🤡

I stared at the wall in front of me- tapping my fingers on the classroom desk as I waited for the class to be over so I could leave this boring classroom. Out of all of my classes, it was the least enjoyable, though that didn't say much. The class was Debate, and it was taught by a stuffy old teacher who was extremely strict, and gave me the impression of chalkboard dust. I smiled slightly as the bell finally rung, and I picked up my bag and headed out the door, only to be surprised upon walking out.

"Oh Y/N-chan!" a familiar voice cooed. I felt a weight upon my back, and looked back to see a grinning Junko Enoshima clinging to me. I felt my cheeks get hot once more. "O-oh, hello Enoshima-san.." I greeted her shyly. "Upupu, wanna hang out for a bit? It IS free period! So therefore, we're hanging out, since you're too despairfully cute to stay away from!" she squealed, doing some sort of cute kind of persona. "U-um, sure! Anything you want, Enoshima-san!" I stammered. "Okaaaayy! I'm gonna show you a good time! I bet you haven't had any excitement in your dull little school life for a long time, right? I'm going to change that. Puhuhu." she giggled with a slightly menacing smirk. I couldn't help but feel a little nervous, but also..quite excited. What did she mean? Could that really ever be changed?

Junko proceeded to drag me away, earning me a few stares from jealous classmates, though Junko pretended not to notice. "Where are we going, Enoshima-san?" I asked. I was too frazzled to analyze at the moment, or pay any attention to anyone but Junko. What could cause this? How could Junko make me feel this way? Whatever it is, I certainly enjoyed the feeling of unpredictability.

"A very special place! Puhuhu, just wait and see.." she responded with a smile. We soon came to a statue of the school's founder. "So, uh, what are we doing here, Enoshima-san?" I questioned nervously. "Just wait and see~upupupu!" Junko laughed as she touched the statue, and surprisingly enough, it opened to reveal a set of stairs heading down under the statue. Junko grabbed my hand with a smirk, and headed down the stairs. I almost screamed at what I saw in there, but kept it in. "Tada! So, Y/N-chan, love, I noticed this big old meanie was saying bad stuff about you! She called you sooo many mean things, ya know?". Junko gestured to my classmate, who was restrained to the wall, with blood dripping from her forehead. "KYAHAHA!" Junko exclaimed as she seemingly shifted into a more loud and rambunctious personality. "I couldn't let this little bitch get away with that, haha! So, Y/N..whatcha gonna fucking do, huh?"

"W-what...?" I mumbled, shocked. Junko put on a more aloof, and cold persona. "You see, you have the choice. You can spare her, and keep living your dull life, or kill her in cold blood, and find a new exciting! One filled with unpredictability!". Her face turned into a very ecstatic one. "Aaah...I can't stand how adorable you are! The despair in your features.." she muttered. She suddenly reached out to me, and cupped my face into her hands. "So, darling..what are you going to do? What choice will you make? I can't wait to see.."

"I-I..I.." I stammered, unsure what to say. "Just do it, and everything you want could be yours.." she mumbled into my ear as she placed a knife into my hands. I gulped as I glanced at my classmate.

Yuyuri Minowa. We had never been especially close. I was more school-driven and quiet, while she was loud and boisterous. The type to cause trouble for teachers, and gossip instead of working. And here she was, right before me, bleeding. And I was holding a knife.

Stay in this dull, monotonous cycle of a life, or stay with Junko and have excitement and happiness? I knew what I had to do. It was the only option. I had to.

I don't think I'll ever forget the sound of her screams.

Despairful Infatuation | Junko x Reader [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now