Chapter 8 - CO

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By the time it was morning you had finished the book Reid lended you. It surprised you that it was actually a pretty good book. Reid was sitting at his desk with his head resting on his hand playing chess when you went over to return the book.

"You're already done? I thought I was the only one who read fast," Spencer perked up from his one on one chess match.

    "I couldn't sleep," You placed the book on his desk.

"This will not last long. We're going to find this guy and put an end to this," He put his arm around you.

    You sat next to Reid and joined in on his chess game. This was a typical activity between you two and at this point you were getting pretty good at it. He even stopped going easy on you and letting you win the matches. Now it was more fun for him and he enjoyed being competitive against you. You ended your last match when a huge grin appeared on his face.

"I lost my queen last round, but I think I just found her," Reid looked up at you smiling.

"Spence, was that a pick up line?" You laughed.

"Was it that bad?" He looked down at himself with the same dorky smile.

"No, it was great," You places your hand under his chin to tilt his head up to yours, so you could give him a quick kiss.

"Alright love birds, Hotch wants us back to work," Morgan winked walking over.

    Reid's cheeks flooded with a soft red color at Morgan's comment and all three of you headed to the meeting room.

"We have a new lead and we need to take action now," Hotch gestured to the video monitor and a surveillance video began playing.

The surveillance footage revealed a figure dressed in all black pacing in front of the main doors to the BAU. Then the cameras switched to inside the building where the same figure had made his way down the hallways. He pulled his hood tighter over his head as if to insure the secrecy of his identity and pulled out an ID badge from the jacket. With one scan, the unknown figure had gained access into the room containing all the employee records and information. Also depending on the ID badge he had managed to get his hands on he had access to practically anything in the building.

"Nobody is missing an ID or any form of pass," Hotch paused the video where the figure was the clearest.

"So, it's someone from the inside that's doing all this," JJ said what we were all afraid to say.

    "We need to look at people who may have any reason to hold a grudge against us. People who have been denied promotions, positions, had family fired, and just anything really," Reid got up to gather files on people.

    "Send your families back home. If the unsub is on the inside then it'll be safer for them," Hotch ordered.

As the rest of us stood up the lights went out and the only thing that lit the room were the subtle rays from the sun peaking through the blinds. The backup generator eventually kicked in and we got everyone's family out of the building to be safe. Reid was still getting files to your knowledge.

"Guys," Morgan was holding a box with a note attached.

You walked over to him with the rest of the team.
The note read,

Miss me?
You have until 3:00 to solve your little case before I set off high levels of carbon monoxide through the vents.
P.S These are some of my favorites

Morgan carefully opened the box to reveal more pictures, dozens more. The images were made up of a range from children to a team member asleep. Then some of them depicted brutal crime scenes. What was more unsettling was the fact that the unsub dated the back of the pictures, so you knew when it happened. The date varied so you knew they had been doing this longer than the team estimated.

    "Eww please hurry and catch this guy," Garcia looked sick.

    Reid returned with a stack of files. Once you caught him up on everything he eliminated a few files right away. You and the team had two and a half hours to figure this guy out at this point.

"This is our guy, Davis Chapman," Rossi held up a file.

"How do you know?" Garcia worried.

"This guy not only has been rejected for a promotion three times, but he also used to work at a chemical lab," He responded handing the file to Reid.

The team had one of those unspoken agreements and headed out to find him. Chapman was hiding in the maintenance room with his chemicals wearing a gas mask. As they handcuffed him you noticed him subtly put his hand under his shirt and press into something.

    "Get everyone out of here!" You shouted into the radio.

    Chapman began laughing as the vents poured out the gases. A flood of people charged the stairs while Morgan made sure to keep the unsub handcuffed all the way out of the building. Everyone managed to get out of the building safely. You watched the unsub get placed in the cop car and taken away while people figured out what to do about the gases in the BAU.

    "We can finally go home now," Reid walked over to you.

    "I don't know if I want to go home after seeing those pictures," You sighed.

    "How about this? You come to my place tonight. I'll sleep on the couch. It's just so you feel comfortable and get some sleep. I know you didn't sleep last night since you read the book I gave you," He smiled.

    "I don't want to intrude on your first night back home," You responded.

    "I simply wouldn't have offered if I thought that," He said with a shrug.

    "Okay, I would actually really like that."

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