Chapter 15 - Free

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Prentiss called everyone to the round table. She told us she had some good news on Reid's case.

"Reid was finally able to recall a major detail from when the murder took place. He remembers a third person being in the room with him and the woman he was meeting up with. He actually remembers fighting with said person for the knife in an attempt to save the victim's life," Prentiss explained.

"That was who he was chasing when he was pulled over," Tara cut in.

"That's what we were thinking," Prentiss responded.

"Did they find any other fingerprints on the knife?" You asked.

"They only found Reid's. There are a few smudges on his where it appears they had contact with someone wearing a glove of some sort," Prentiss continued.

"That's something," Garcia perked up.

"Not a lot court wise," Rossi sighed.

Prentiss's phone went off so she stepped out to answer it.

"I can't find anything that will help us," Garcia sounded like she was giving up.

"He'a not going to take the deal and plead guilty," Tara sighed.

You sat there thinking about what to do. It really was not looking good for Reid. At this point the best option for him would be to plead guilty. Then, Prentiss came back in from her phone call.

"That was Reid. His Mom came to visit him and her 'new' caretaker brought her. Reid said he recognized her from a case we worked on. He thinks she might be related to the Murder. Jj and Alvez go to Reid's apartment and make sure his Mom is okay," Prentiss ordered.

"Shouldn't I be going over there since Diana knows me?" You asked.

"I don't think you should be going out to the scenes since this case involves Reid and you are.. close to him," Prentiss tried sounding reasonable.

You didn't argue but you wanted to. You waited for word back from Jj and Alvez with Garcia in her office. She was looking up information on someone named Lindsey Vaughn. That was the name Reid gave Prentiss. Alvez called in alerting the team that Diana's original caretaker had been found dead in Reid's apartment. Garcia put out a missing persons alert for Diana.

"Oh no," Garcia whispered.

"What's wrong?" You looked up from the papers you were going through.

"She was stalking him this whole time. Lindsey Vaughn is renting an apartment on the floor above Reid," Garcia sounded panicked.

"This is all over a past case?" You sighed.

"Reid was the only one on scene when her father committed the murder in front of her," She elaborated not taking her eyes away from the monitors.

"She can't be the only one behind all this," You rested your head on your hand.

You felt useless not being out on the field. That was your thing. You didn't go through papers or do research like Reid. You went out to the crime scene and investigated.

Prentiss came in the room startling both you and Garcia.

"We got the all clear for Reid's release," She announced smiling.

"How?" Garcia asked ecstatic while you remained confused.

"With Diana missing, the smudged fingerprints, Reid being drugged, and security footage Alvez found at the motel, they agreed to Reid's release," Prentiss explained more.

"That's amazing!" Garcia exclaimed looking at you.

"I figured you could be the one to pick him up," Prentiss looked at you.

You went ahead and drove up to the prison. You waited for Reid in a small room. Then you saw him come out with a bag of his things. He looked so happy to see you. Reid pulled you into a tight hug, finally able to touch you. Then he stopped.

"Is my Mom okay?" He asked.

"Everyone is looking for her. Garcia put out an alert for her," You held his hand to comfort him.

You drove him back to his apartment since he requested to go there first. Most of it was still taped off due to it being an active crime scene. Reid was looking through his belongings to see if anything was out of the ordinary.

You had so much you wanted to ask him. Now just was not the right time or the right place.

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