Chapter 14 - Bruises

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Prentiss is was at the jail visiting Reid with her lawyer friend. She had worked plenty of cases where she had to prove people innocent. She was hesitant at first since it was such a high profile case.

You were in Garcia's "lair" trying to find any evidence that could prove Reid's innocence. The police in Mexico had dug up a knife covered in his fingerprints. It wasn't looking good for him. Everyone was thinking that but nobody said it. The only solid evidence the team had was how drugged he was when he was arrested. However, that supported the drug charges against him.

It was hard getting any information outside the U.S. Leave it to Garcia, without her the team would be at a dead end.

Prentiss came in looking upset.

"Reid's trial has been postponed but they made him an offer. If he pleas guilty he would face only fifteen to twenty years instead of the possible life," She said.

"Is he going to do it?" Garcia asked.

"He's refusing to consider the offer. He wants to maintain his innocence," Prentiss softly sighed.

"Not surprised. Reid is not going to do something he doesn't believe in," Rossi popped in.

"Then all we can do is prove his innocence," You spoke up.

"He did say he remembered someone else being in the room with him when the murder took place," Prentiss added.

"How can we prove that if the only other witness is dead?" Garcia asked.

"The knife we don't have. The security footage back at the hotel in Mexico," Rossi responded.

"Some of us need to go back to that hotel and see what we can recover. Evidence against Reid is still being processed and sent over so I need the rest of the team here when it arrives," Prentiss ordered.

You had another visit scheduled with Reid. As you were walking to the visitation room an inmate catcalled you. You ignored it but it caused other inmates to burst out into laughter. You waited for the lineup of inmates to enter the room where Reid would be. When he entered, he looked like he had just been in a fight. His face was covered in bruises and his lip was busted.

"Oh Spence, what happened?" You stood up to look at him.

"Shh, I'm fine," He sat down.

"Spence, it looks bad," You couldn't help but look at his face.

"I know. I was attacked in the middle of the night. I'm not sure if they know I'm an agent but either way they are not fond of me," He whispered.

"Prentiss is still trying to get you in protective-"

"That doesn't matter. The warden here is not going to allow it," He cut you off.

"It's worth a shot. We're doing everything we can," You tried reassuring him.

"Listen y/n, this place may end up being my fate. If you want to leave me I understand completely. You shouldn't have to deal with me being locked up," He looked defeated.

"Spence, I'm not leaving you. You're innocent and we're going to do everything we can to prove that. This is not going to be your fate," You felt like you were going to cry.

He nodded but his facial expression remained the same. The inmates were ordered to return back into lineup and escorted back to their cells.

On the way back to the BAU, you felt tears stream down your face. It hit you all at once. What if the team didn't find enough proof that Reid was innocent? What if he was found guilty and was forced to spent the remainder of his life in prison? All these "what ifs" ran through your head. It was the first time you had broke down since he had been arrested. Normally, you could keep it together but not with this case.

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